Page 121 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 121
O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
25 Fire Risk Assessment
A fire risk assessment is to be carried out and an up to date fire register maintained, which
gives details of examinations / inspections etc. This register should be made available for
inspection for any authorised persons on request, during audits or inspections.
25.1 Fire Fighting Equipment.
• Firefighting equipment will be provided in accordance with the conditions set out in the
fire certificate.
• First Aid Fire Fighting Equipment (Fire Extinguishers) are to be of the correct type for
the perceived risk in the office building, work site etc. there should be sufficient numbers
available, suitably positioned around the rooms / building / site. Equipment will be
maintained and tested in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions and
thoroughly inspected by a competent person at least once per year and any that are
out of date are to be immediately replaced.
• Fire Extinguishers are to be visually checked at least monthly to ensure that they have
not been discharged.
• Fire points; assemble points, emergency exits etc are to be highlighted with signs
conforming to the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signal) Reg 1996.
25.2 Fire Prevention Procedures
• The company is required to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
2005 and the prevention of fire is of vital importance. Most fires can be prevented by
common sense and good discipline; and therefore the highest possible standard of fire
prevention is to be maintained, so that losses by fire are kept to a minimum.
• A fire prevention check is to be carried out in all buildings / sites at the termination of
the days work prior to the premises being vacated. The following precautions are to be
• With the exception of essential systems, which may continue to operate after normal
working hours, all electrical appliances and lighting systems are to be switched off and
disconnected by a person nominated for this purpose.
• Ashtrays and waste paper bins are to be emptied and the contents removed from the
• Tidiness and cleanliness are essential fire prevention measures. The accumulation of
rubbish and waste materials is to be kept to a minimum, it is to be cleared away each
day on cessation of work and removed to a safe location outside and away from
buildings. Suitable bins etc are to be provided for waste discarded during working
• Furniture, paper etc is to be kept well clear of all radiant heat fires and other sources
of ignition.
• The storage or accumulation of combustibles materials in buildings and on work sites
is to be discouraged
• Where smoking is permitted the danger of fire is increased and therefore spent smoking
materials must be disposed of in ashtrays and not waste paper bins or plastic / paper
rubbish sacks.
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