Page 50 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 50

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

               13.1  Overhead Cranes

                   •  Overhead cranes must have a current test certificate and the Project Engineers will
                      ensure this is in date before any person is allowed to operate the equipment.
                   •  Only designated personnel who are competent and trained are to operate overhead
                   •  Overhead cranes are only to be used for lifting, lowering and supporting loads and
                      under no circumstances are persons to travel on loads.
                   •  The operator is to have an unrestricted view throughout all lifting operations and no
                      load is to be left suspended from lifting equipment unless the competent person is
                      actually in charge.
                   •  Any sling/rope etc must have a current test certificate.  It must be of good construction,
                      sound materials adequate strength and free from patent defect.  This equipment must
                      be inspected every 6 months by a competent and the results recorded in the Lifting
                      Tackle register.
                   •  Any load being conveyed by a crane must be kept as close to the ground as practicable.
                   •  Care must  be  taken  when  lifting  and  lowering  loads  not  to trap fingers  etc.  When
                      accurate placement is essential get help and takes extra care.
                   •  Loads are never to exceed the equipment’s safe working load (SWL) which will be
                      marked on the equipment.
                   •  Never  attempt  to  swing  a  load  into  position  with  bodily  force,  this  is  a  dangerous
                   •  Operators are not to allow any person to stand close to or walk under a suspended
                   •  When stacking make provision for safe access for its subsequent removal and make
                      provisions for the removal of slings without disturbing the stack.
                   •  When loading onto vehicles ensure that the load is central to avoid the possibility of
                   •  Slingers should stow lifting tackle which is not in use in a tidy manner in designated
                      areas, lifting tackle should not be left lying around as it can present a serious hazard to

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