Page 26 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 26
k/d]Zj/sf] cudjf0fL ;fFrf] x'g cfof] ha 7"nf]
The prophecy of God came true
as the Philistines came out in large
;+Vofdf klnZtLx¿ O;|fPnLx¿l;t o'4 ug{
numbers against the people of israel.
lg:s]/ cfP .
o'4sf] klxnf] lbgdf rf/ xhf/
in the first day of ba le,
over four thousand
dflg;x¿ dfl/P .
israelites were ki ed.
Why did
lsg o:tf]
the Lord
do this?
ug'{eof] <
Why have
xfdL k/flht
we b n
defeated?! We must
eof}F <Û
zLnf]af6 k/dk|e'sf
bring back
the Ark of the
s/f/sf] ;Gb"s Nofpg}
Covenant from
k5{ .
Y A H!!
xfdL ca
k/flht x'g ;Qm}gf}+
We ca ot
be defeated
–– k/d]Zj/ xfd|f] ;fydf
now--God is with
us because the
x'g'x'G5 lsgls ;Gb"s xfd|f]
ark is in our
5fpgLdf 5 .
The ark
xfdLnfO{ ch]o
makes us
agfpg]5 .
k/d]Zj/ xfd|f]
A god has oL ltg}
come into their These
5fpgLdf cfpg'ePsf] 5
camp--we are O{Zj/x¿ x'g\ h;n]
are the gods
–– xfdL ;ª\si6df k/] phf8:yfgdf ld>Lx¿nfO{
that struck down
in trouble!
sf 5f}F Û the Egyptians in
Wj+z u/]sf lyP .
the desert!
xf]cf], / db{ em}F n8 ––
strong and be men--
gq xfdL tL lxa|'x¿sf sdf/f
or you wi be subject
x'g]5f}F .
to these Hebrews.
24 ! zfd'Pn $M!–(
I Samuel 4:1-9
I Samuel 4:1-9