Page 27 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 27

csf]{ lbgsf] g/;+xf/ emg\ Hofbf lyof] –– tL; xhf/
                                               The slaughter the next day was even
                                            O;|fPnL ;}lgsx¿ klnZtL ;}lgsx¿sf] xftåf/f dfl/P .
                                                greater--thirty thousand israelite
                                               soldiers fe
 before the Philistine army.
                                                    / klnZtL ;}lgsx¿n] ltgLx¿sf]
                                                    And the Philistine soldiers
                                                  ax'd"No yf]s––  ;Gb"s klg lnP/ uP .
                                                     t k away their great
                                                     prize--the ark of God.

           / k/dk|e'sf] cudjf0fL ;fFrf] x'g cfof]––
           And the prophecy of the Lord
           came true--both of Eli’s wicked
           PnLsf b'j} b'i6 5f]/fx¿ ToxLF lbg dfl/P .
          sons were ki
ed in the same day.

                                           ! zfd'Pn $M!)–!!                              25
                                           I Samuel 4:10-11
                                           I Samuel 4:10-11
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