Page 28 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 28

                                    We fe
                                  klnZtLx¿åf/f                     …and the Ark
                                  before the
                                                                  sf] ;Gb"s ca a]vtg]
                 of] s]sf]
                What is          k/flht eof}F . ;]               of the Covenant is
              the meaning
                                                                 klnZtLx¿sf] xftdf 5 .
             v}nfa}nf xf] < ––    and there                      now in the hands of
                                  were great
            of this uproar--     gfdf 7"nf] ljgfz                 the uncircumcised
            clg ;Gb"s sxfF 5 <     lo es.                            Philistines.
                                     ePsf] 5 .
              and where is
               the ark?              Your two
                                     tkfO{Fsf b'j}
                                     sons are

                                    ha PnLn] ljWj+zsf] of] va/
                                     When Eli heard the
                                     devastating news,
                                     ;'g], pgL kl5lNt/ n8] /
                                     he fe
                                       pgsf] 3fF6L efFlrof] .
                                     and broke his neck.

      ToxL a]nf, pgsL a'xf/L, kLgxf;sL kTgLn] aRrf kfpg nfu]
       At the same time, his daughter-in-law, the
       wife of his son Phinehas, was giving birth.
                     sL lyO{ .
             pgL cToGt ljrlnt eOg\ / pgL dg]{ ;dodf, pgn]
               She was overcome and as she lay
              dying she gave these instructions…
                      oL lgb]{zgx¿ lbP====
                                                                                 gfpF Osfaf]b /
                                                                                  Name him
                                                                               fVg" –– lsgls k/
                                                                                 the glory of
                                                                                 dk|e'sf] dlxdf
                                                                                 the Lord has
                                                                                  x/fPsf] 5 .
                                          ! zfd'Pn $M!@–@@
      26                                  I Samuel 4:12-22
                                          I Samuel 4:12-22
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