Page 16 - NEPALI_SB11_Judges1
P. 16
x]a]/ / pgsL >LdtL ofPn o'4sf] xNnfb]lv
far from the sounds of war
were heber and his wife jael.
k/ lyP .
ltgLx¿ s]gLx¿ lyP / df]zfsL >LdtL l;Kkf]/fåf/f df]
they were kenites and related to
moses through his wife zi orah.
zfsf] gft]bf/ ePsf lyP .
ltgLx¿ 3'dGt]x¿ lyP / O;|fPnLx¿sf] dfemdf a:ff]
they were nomads who lived
among the israelites and enjoyed
af; u/]/ ltgLx¿n] pgLx¿l;t /fd|f] ;DaGw sfod /
a g d relationship with them.
fv]sf lyP .
of] n8fO{+
;L;]/f / pgsf] kmf}h cfˆgf] cf/lIft / fina y a
sisera and his army moved
fight worth
out from their fortified x'g}kg]{ lyof] . logLx¿ ;a}
yaf6 aflx/ lg:s] .
chariot fortre . coming out for -
dg}{k5{ .
and s ing men
die for.
Judges 4:11
Judges 4:11