Page 17 - NEPALI_SB11_Judges1
P. 17

ltgLx¿sf]      7Ls                O;|fPnL ;]
                  the report    g d –                   the
                 ;+Vof !),))) 5g\   10,000 for      gfx¿, ;]gf klg eg"F
                               5, d]/f] kmnfd] /
                    is they
                  are 10,000  me to grind          army, if you can
                  eGg] ;dfrf/ 5
                              yx¿d'lg oL !),)))
                                                    ls geg"F, clxn] tfaf]/
                   strong.     underneath          ca  it that, is
                               w"nf]kL7f] x'g]5g\ .  now a embled
                                my iron
                                                    kxf8dfly e]nf ePsf
                               chariots.             on mount
                                                        5g\ .
      and they
      t s'g} /y g} 5}
       have no
         g .
       at a .                                                           loh/]nsf]
                                                                       the va ey
                                                                      of jezrl –
                             emg\ /                                   a]F;L, n8fO{+sf] nflu   fa  in
                            even                                      the perfect
                                                                        pQd 7fpF .
                                                                                  rank and
                             fd|f] .
                           be er.                                      place for  k+lQmdf a; clg
                                                                                  watch the
                                                                       a ba le.   /utsf] vf]nf] au]
                                                                                    bl d
                                                                                    sf] x]/ .
                                                        ;L;]/f / pgsf] /y;lxtsf] ;}Gobnn]
                                                         sisera and his chariot
                                                           army have never
                                                           slxNo} n8fO{+ xf/]sf 5}gg\ .
                                                            lost a ba le.

                                                             xfg]{5g\ . hfcf] . cfhsf]
                                                              they wi . go!
                                                              this is the day
                                                           lbg k/dk|e'n] ;L;]/fnfO{ ltd|f]
                                                            the lord has given
                                                          xftdf ;'lDklbg'ePsf] 5 . s] k/dk|e'
                                                          sisera into your hands.
                                                            has not the lord
                                                          ltdLx¿sf] cl3 hfg'ePsf] 5}g / <
                                                           gone ahead of you?

                                       Gofostf{x¿ $M!$
                                           Judges 4:14
                                           Judges 4:14
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