Page 21 - NEPALI_SB11_Judges1
P. 21

u u g  g  g  h  h

       ;]gfx¿l;t /x]/ ltgLx¿nfO{
       stay with the army
         and lead them
      n8fO{+b]lv kl5 x6\g g]t[Tj u/ .
           in retreat.

                        d t k}bn}
                       I wi  fl
                     efUg]5' / n'Sg]5' . ;]
                     on f t so I
                      can hide and
                    gfx¿ km]l/ km]l/ Pslqt
                     then rejoin the
                    e};s]kl5 dfq} kms{g]5'
                     army as they

                                         Gofostf{x¿ $M!^
                                            Judges 4:16
                                            Judges 4:16
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