Page 25 - NEPALI_SB11_Judges1
P. 25
sgfgL ;]
gfklt efUg ;Qm}g . xfd|f]
nite co ander
ljhonfO{ ;'lglZrt t'Nofpg xfdLn] cfcf]
ca ot escape. we must
p;nfO{ e]§fpg}k5{ . gq p;n] cfˆgf . tkfO{+x¿n] vf]lh/
come. I wi
have him for the victory
to be ours, lest he
dflg;x¿nfO{ km]l/ ;+ul7t ug]{5g\ . show you the
one you are
regroup his men. xg'ePsf] JolQmnfO{ d b]
lking for.
vfOlbG5' .
pm o'4e"ldb]
we saw him
fl the field
lv Tof] lbzflt/ efu]sf]
of ba le in
xfdLn] b]Vof}F . pm k/ k'u]sf]
this direction.
he could not
kSs} 5}g .
have go en far.
cudjflbgLsf] jrg ;fFrf]
the word of the
prophete came
x'g cfof] . x]a]/sL >LdtL
true. jael – the
ofPnn] k|d'v ;]gfklt ;L;]/
wife of heber –
fnfO{ dfl/g\
kied the great
co ander
…and she
pgn] ljhosf]
gains the
honor of the
;Ddfg kfOg\ .
o;/L k/d]Zj/n] To; lbg sgfgsf /
on that day god subdued
jabin, the can nite king,
fhf ofaLgnfO{ O;|fPnLx¿s} ;fd' jzdf
before the israelites.
Nofpg'eof] .
cfkm\gf zq'x¿nfO{ gfz gu/];Dd O;|fPnLx¿sf] xft zq'x¿sf] lj¿4df emg\
and the hand of the israelites grew stronger
emg\ k|an x'Fb} uP .
and stonger until they destroyed their enemies.
Gofostf{x¿ $M@@–@$
judges 4:22-24
judges 4:22-24