Page 26 - NEPALI_SB11_Judges1
P. 26
the / To; lbg ltgLx¿n] baf]/fsf] uLt ufP .
nite co ander and on that day they
ca ot escape. we must sang the song of deborah.
have him for the victory come. I wi when the
to be ours, lest he show you the cu'jfx¿n] cu'jfO u/]sfdf,
princes in israel
take the lead, when
regroup his men. one you are dflg;x¿n] :j]R5fk"j{s cfkm"nfO{
x], /fhfx¿,
lking for. the people wi
ingly hear this,
lbxfn]sfdf ltdLx¿n] k/dk|e'sf] you kings! I wi
o er themselves –
;'g Û k/dk|e' O;|fPnsf
praise the lord! make music to the
k|z+;f u/ .
k/d]Zj/sf lglDt d ehg
lord, the god
ufpg]5' .
of israel.
the earth
dk|e' O;|fPnsf
mountains quaked
k/d]Zj/sf] ;fd' k[YjL
before the lord,
sfDof]======kxf8x¿ y/y/
the god of
fP .
israel. vi
age life
d, baf]/f, Pp6L cfdf em}
in israel ceased
until I, deborah,
F v8f eOgF O;|fPnsf] ufpFn]
arose a mother
hLjg ;dfKt eof] .
in israel.
when they
we saw him ha ltgLx¿n] gofF gofF b]
fl the field chose new gods,
war came to the
of ba le in jtfx¿ r'g], ta d"n9f]sfx¿df
this direction. city gates.
n8fOF eof] .
he could not
have go en far.
the word of the
prophete came
true. jael – the
wife of heber –
kied the great
co ander
…and she
gains the
honor of the
the kings of
sgfgsf /fhfx¿n] d]lu2f]sf]
cann fought
by the waters of
kfgLg]/ n8fOF u/] t/ ltgLx¿n]
megio but they
s'g} n"6sf] dfn nu]gg\ .
caied o no
cfsfzsf tf/
from the
heavens the
fx¿n] n8fOF u/] . sLzf]g
stars fought.
vf]nfn] ltgLx¿nfO{ aufP/
the river kishon
nUof] .
on that day god subdued swept them
jabin, the can nite king, away.
before the israelites. o;/L
may a
g} x] k/dk|e', tkfO{+sf ;a}
enemies perish,
zq'x¿ gi6 eP/ hfpmg\ .
o lord!
but may
tkfO{+nfO{ k|]d ug]{x¿
they who love
you be like the
rflxF k"0f{ k|tfkdf k'u]sf] ;"o{
sun when it
em}F xf]pmg\ .
rises in its
and the hand of the israelites grew stronger
and stonger until they destroyed their enemies. ta b]zn] $) jif{;DDf lj>fd
then the land had
peace for 40 years.
kfof] .
judges 4:22-24
judges 4:22-24 Gofostf{x¿ %
Judges 5
Judges 5