Page 17 - winter 2018 the Rock
P. 17

Friends oF red rock canyon     17

                                                                long it took to get into Red Rock Canyon and to
                                                                complete the Scenic Drive, how many times traffic
                                                                stopped along the drive, and how many people you
                                                                saw at different stops along the way. We could re-
                                                                ally use a team of volunteers to help us collect some
                                                                of this data on a day when you are already planning
                                                                to visit Red Rock Canyon. Look for an email about
                                                                a training workshop later this winter or contact
                                                                Chad if you are interested in becoming one of these
                                                                monitoring volunteers.

                                                                 We are working with other volunteers and BLM
                                                                departments to measure impacts to soil,
                                                                vegetation, wildlife, and cultural resources related
                                                                to increased visitation at Red Rock Canyon. Taken
                                                                together, these aspects will provide valuable in-
               collected another 400 satisfaction surveys at    sights into capacity issues at Red Rock Canyon.
               several sites along the Scenic Drive. Both surveys
               will help us highlight                                                      Thank you for all
               certain aspects that                                                       of your support of
               the BLM can focus on                                                       this project! If you
               in the future.                                                             have questions or

                                                                                          comments, please
                 It is also important                                                     contact Chad Kooistra
               to hear people talk                                                        at (775) 636-5145 or
               about their experienc-                                                     ckooistra@thegreat-
               es at Red Rock Can-                                              
               yon in more detail. In                                                     We look forward to
               December, we held                                                          hearing from you and
               several small group                                                        sending more updates
               discussions with Red                                                       as we move ahead
               Rock Canyon                                                                with this project.
               volunteers to get their
               thoughts about the
               impact of increased visitation. If you did not have
               a chance to participate in those discussions and
               would like to give us your insights, please contact
               me directly to set up a time to talk.

               Another  opportunity  to  share  your  insights  is
               through a brief survey online. You can find the sur-
               vey at We
               hope to get many responses, so please take a few
               minutes to answer a couple questions and send the
               link to others.

                 We are also conducting vehicle and visitor
               counts using mechanical counters at different
               sites along the Scenic Drive. We developed some
               simple forms that volunteers can fill out when you
               visit the NCA. These forms record things like how              All photos by Chad Kooistra

                                                                                                 Winter 2018
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