Page 3 - winter 2016 the rock
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Volunteers Protecting
                                                      Red Rock Canyon
                                                          Since 1984

                    The mission of  Friends of  Red Rock Canyon is the preservation and enrichment of

                 Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and the public lands of  southern Nevada.

                    the Rock Staff
               Publishing/Lay-Out — Pat Williams         4  Welcome New Members
                Articles Editor —  Sharon Schaaf                                                 Mary E. Labie
                 Creative Editor — Rob Tuvell
                Photographer —  Roger Hembree  5
                                                  Sharon’s Slant                                 Sharon Schaaf
                   Editorial Committee
                     Cam Camburn           6
                     Norm Kresge                 Take A Hike... Half Wilson Trail                Norm Kresge
                    Joe & Mary Labie
                     Sharon Schaaf         7
                  Rob & Marilyn Tuvell           ...And Return Safely                            Cam Camburn
              Articles for publication consideration should
              be sent to news@friendsofredrockcanyon.  8
              org or mailed to the Rock  P.O. Box 97  Blue   Friends Protect Gold Butte          Jaina Moan
              Diamond, NV  89004. Submissions for the
              Rock should meet the thematic guidelines
              as established by the editorial staff. All   10
              submissions are subject to editing for   Cheers to You!                            Pat Williams
              subject matter, length and relevance to Red
              Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.
               the Rock is published quarterly by Friends   12  Loving it to Death
              of Red Rock Canyon, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit                                          Chuck Williams
              organization, for the benefit of Friends
              members and supporters. Publication and
              mailing costs are subsidized with limited   14  Monarchs, Milkweeds & Migration    Pat Williams
              mission-specific advertising. Statements,
              opinions and points of view expressed by
              writers are their own and may not reflect   16
              those of Friends of Red Rock Canyon.  Membership has its Rewards                   Mary E. Labie
               Our mission is the preservation and
              enhancement of Red Rock Canyon National
              Conservation Area. Friends provides   18  Book Nook
              volunteers and funding for projects such                                           Sharon Schaaf
              as environmental education, natural and
              cultural resource protection, teacher
              workshops, community volunteer work     Cover Photo - Turtlehead Peak © Roger Hembree
              days, transportation grants for Red
              Rock field trips and other services. The            Max Cartoon - © Rob Tuvell
              organization receives no federal funds but
              is provided with office space and telephone
              service by the Bureau of Land Management.
              The main office for Friends of Red Rock
              Canyon is located in the Red Rock Canyon
              National Conservation Area Administrative
              Building, 1000 Scenic Drive Las Vegas, NV
              Annual individual membership is $25.
              Board meetings are held on the third Friday
              of each month and general membership                                          Max, Hugo and the girls are tucked
              meetings are held quarterly. Time and                                         in for their long winter naps. They
              locations for the meetings may be obtained
              by calling (702) 515-5360.                                                    should start emerging in late February
                                                                                            or early March. Except for Max... He
               For more information visit our website at
      or find us                                    has his own schedule.
                      on Facebook.
                                                                                            You can join the Tort Team by taking
                                                                                            one of the training sessions offered in
                                                                                            April, June or September.
                                                                                            Please contact Sue or Roger Kolar at
                                                                                            for the training dates. Learn about the
             Find and like us on facebook.                                                  best volunteer job at the Rock!

                                               Our board -
                                           Committee Chairs -
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