Page 7 - winter 2016 the rock
P. 7
6 Friends oF red rock canyon Friends oF red rock canyon 7
By Cam Camburn
he time before the hike starts is the most Dress appropriately for desert weather and ter-
Article and photos by Norm Kresge
“Timportant,” says Bob McKeever, retired rain. Good hiking shoes, layers of breathable,
National Park Service law enforcement/emer- loose-fitting clothing and a wide-brimmed hat
gency services ranger and notable herpetologist. slow dehydration and minimize exposure. Sun-
f you're looking for a four-mile-loop hike
Ithat is relatively easy, Half Wilson Trail is screen and sunglasses are a must! Erik Black’s
just the hike for you. The trailhead is along Be aware of the dangers inherent in desert hik- blog ( has a
Calico Basin Road. The trail is for hiking, ing. Although there are others, the list of dan- wealth of information for both the novice and
mountain biking and horseback riding and gers is led by excessive heat and lack of natural- experienced hiker and is a great resource.
I've seen all three on the trail. ly-occurring drinkable water.
• Check the National Weather Service Put together a personal survival kit, one small
forecast before you go enough that you will always carry it when hik-
Starting from the trailhead, there are two op-
tions—one is to go up the hill almost straight • Know your limitations: Be physically ing, yet large enough to include a few essentials
ahead. The easier way is to take the trail that capable of your intended activity. (there are many other items that can be includ-
goes off to the right and then up a gradual Remember that it is the day-hiker who most ed):
incline to the top of the ridge. The trail con- often gets into trouble, not the long-distance • Shelter, such as an emergency blanket
tinues, descending to a wash below. Here survivalists. (Continued on page 15)
you'll meet a trail coming from the left. Stay
Take a Hike (continued from previous page)
to the right and follow the trail along a ridge spring when the yucca are blooming and there plan your route.
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
called Peak 3844. The name of this ridge is are some desert marigolds, you will have good
simply the elevation. There is a wide variety views of the escarpment at Red Rock Can- Getting to the trailhead: Follow SR 159,
of desert flora including cholla, yucca, black yon, Calico Basin, Gateway Canyon and Kraft Charleston Boulevard, toward Red Rock Can-
brush and creosote bushes.
the right across the wash, it will ascend a short Mountain. yon and turn right onto Calico Basin Road. In
As you round Peak 3844, there will be an option section. From the top of that ridge, you'll have The easy nature of about 1/3 mile, you'll
come to a wash.
for a side trip. If you follow the trail that goes to a view of Las Vegas in the distance. Return the
same way you came and rejoin the Half Wilson this loop makes it a Park on the right
Trail when you get back to the wash. perfect place to hike side. There is ample
with the less expe- parking. You'll know
The trail crosses the power line road that goes rienced person or you're at the trail-
into Calico Basin but don't follow the road. If someone who doesn't head when you see
you watch, you'll see the trail follow the west want to be challenged a large boulder and
side of Peak 3844. The trail rises gently for too much. As a side a Carsonite sign that
most of the way, but there are a couple of less note, I didn't know says Area Closed to
gentle hills to ascend before the last one that this trail had an offi- motorized vehicles.
brings you back to your car. cial name. If you look
Looking towards Calico Basin Besides the desert plants, especially nice in the on Google Maps, you Happy hiking!
can see the trail and
(Continued on next page)
the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2 Winter 2016