Page 9 - winter 2016 the rock
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8  Friends oF red rock canyon                                                 Friends oF red rock canyon      9

                        his place needs and deserves permanent protection...”
 Friends Protect... Gold Butte  By Jaina Moan  “T
             To protect Gold Butte, we educate and advo-       are considering an alternative protection solution.
                                                               President Obama’s designation of Nevada’s Basin
             cate for conservation of its natural and cultural
    across a desert tortoise as it emerges from its   treasures. In order to educate our members   and Range National Monument in July offers hope

  you are standing in
 Imagine  a vast undeveloped        burrow. Your movements will be tracked by the   about Gold Butte’s spectacular resources, we   for a Gold Butte National Monument proclamation.
 Mojave Desert landscape. You are surrounded   watchful eyes of a bighorn sheep from a high   host a monthly speaker series in Henderson
 by tall purple mountains. In front of you, large   ridge on the horizon.   and Mesquite. In addition, Friends appeals to   Gold Butte is a special place. Whether it becomes
             our elected leaders to protect Gold Butte. In     a National Conservation Area or a National Monu-
 This is Gold Butte. Adventure, exploration   January 2015, Senator Harry Reid introduced   ment, this place needs and deserves permanent
 and discovery await in this far-flung corner of   Senate Bill 199 to establish Gold Butte as a Na-  protection. Gold Butte is a valuable treasure for our
 southeastern Nevada. Encompassing 350,000   tional Conservation Area with Wilderness; and   society. We want to ensure that current and future
 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM)   in February 2015, Representative Dina Titus in-  generations can enjoy and explore Nevada’s piece
 managed land, Gold Butte is a big and diverse   troduced companion legislation, House Resolu-  of the Grand Canyon.
 Photo by David Bly  Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument   Getting there: Traveling North on Interstate 15 take
             tion 856. Previous legislative efforts have been
 landscape tucked in between the borders of the

 in the east and the Lake Mead National Recre-
                                                               Exit 112 (Riverside/Bunkerville) and go south for

 Whitney Pockets   ation Area in the south and west.           3 miles. Cross the bridge over the Virgin River and
 Here the Friends of Gold Butte work to protect,               turn west on the first road past the bridge, Gold Butte
 outcroppings of red and orange sandstone   restore and explore this amazing place. Since   Friends of Gold Butte Archives  Road. The Gold Butte Road is roughly paved for 14
 emerge from the desert floor—bright ships                     miles. A high clearance vehicle is recommended.
 anchored in a sea of Joshua tree and Mojave
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
 yucca. Traveling across this land, you see the                More information about
 geologic relics of past worlds, from Precam-                  Friends of Gold Butte’s
 brian granite found in the Jumbo Springs Wil-  Guided hike to the Falling Man site  advocacy and stewardship
 derness Area to Cambrian carbonate rocks on   made, but the recent bills represent compro-  efforts can be found on
 Lime Ridge. Jurassic Aztec sandstone pockets   mises for different user groups of the land. For   our website at
 surface in the heart of the landscape and here   Photo by Kurt Kuznicki  example, in the current legislation, over 500
 you discover mysterious, ancient petroglyphs   miles of roads in Gold Butte will remain open   Jaina Moan is the Executive Director
 etched into desert varnish, a record of human   and wilderness boundaries have been redrawn   for the Friends of Gold Butte, a 501(c)
                                                                           (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to
 journeys long ago.   to ensure access to wildlife guzzlers. Despite       achieving permanent protection for Gold
 Hobgoblins Playground  these considerations, the bills have not received   Butte’s natural and cultural resources.

 Along the roadsides, you   2003, we have led interpretive hikes through   hearings in their respective committees and we   She loves to explore wild, remote deserts
 An Arrastra (or Arastra) is a                                             on foot.
 primitive mill for grinding and   find time-worn corrals and   places like the Falling Man petroglyph site and
 pulverizing gold or silver ore.   stone arrastras, evidence   Hobgoblin’s Playground.  We have worked
 The simplest form of the   of historical ranching and
 arrastra is two or more flat-  with the BLM on restoration projects—col-
 bottomed drag stones placed   mining efforts that continue   lecting and planting native seed and assisting
 in a circular pit paved with   the story of human experi-  with efforts to install post and cable parking at
 flat stones and connected to a   ence with this land. If you
 center post by a long arm.  popular hiking sites.
 are lucky, you may come

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2                                                                     Winter 2016
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