Page 13 - winter 2016 the rock
P. 13

12 Friends oF red rock canyon                                                 Friends oF red rock canyon     13

 Loving it to Death                 The Red Spring                                          ing the boardwalk

                                    boardwalk and picnic
                                                                                            sub-structure, repair-
                                    area also has been                                      ing eroded trails,
 By Chuck Williams
                                    very well-loved by its                                  removing invasive

 Thank you! Your contributions and dues sponsored these events. Our financial com-  adoring public since   plant and tree growth
 mitment to National Public Lands Day and Make a Difference Day was approximately   the boardwalk open-  and rehabbing the
 $4,000. Friends also paid $2,700 for the professional tree trimming and over $18,000   ing in 2005. So well-  picnic areas.
 for restoration work on Turtlehead Peak.   loved that half the
                                    boardwalk was closed                                    The boardwalk and
                                    for over six months                                     trails at Red Spring
 id you ever wonder which areas in Red   In the 2015 budget, the membership of   in 2015 due to dete-  weren’t the only
 DRock Canyon were the most popular   Friends of Red Rock   rioration and safety            areas needing at-
 with the 1.5 million annual visitors? Some-  Canyon approved   issues. The area trails     tention: the existing
 times all you have to do is look down. Or up.  $20,000 for major   have also experienced   trees were aging and
 projects. Josh Travers,            a great deal of love                                    desperately needed
 Photo by Roger Hembree  Friends of Red Rock   agement Lead Outdoor  Photo by Josh Travers - BLM  torrential rains) and   help in the form
 In August 2014,
 Bureau of Land Man-
                                    (in addition to recent
                                                                                            some professional
 Canyon received an
 Recreation Planner,
                                     were in desperate
                                                                                            of limb removal.
 requested that the funds
 email from Metro
                                     need of some TLC.
                                                                                            Friends of Red Rock
 be used for repairing the
 Search and Rescue
 (SAR) asking for
                                                                                            with an arborist
 Friends contracted with
 help in correcting   Turtlehead Peak Trail.   While the Red Spring                         Canyon contracted
 Turtlehead Peak                     boardwalk is sched-                                    company to remove
 conditions on the   the Great Basin Insti-  uled for a major                               the dead vegetation
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
 Turtlehead Peak Trail. They had documented   tute for a complete trail   rebuild in the next 12   from the very large
 that a lack of signage, braided trails and   makeover, focusing on   Rerouted and newly defined trail  months, the Bureau   and overgrown trees.
 overall trail deterioration were accounting   visitor safety and trail   of Land Management   The “widow-makers”
 for many of their Search and   sustainability. Portions of the trail   requested that reopen-  were safely removed,
 Rescue calls.   have been (and will continue to   ing the entire board-                    with all limbs and
 be) impossible to maintain with-   walk be a priority for                                  waste recycled to
 Friends of Red Rock Canyon   out expending excessive time and   two major community        beautiful mulch.
 invited Las Vegas Metropoli-  resources for yearly maintenance.   workdays: National
 tan Police Officer John Thayer   The existing contract will not en-  Public Lands Day      Thank you to our
 from SAR to speak at our Feb-  able the entire trail to be rebuilt,   and Make a Differ-   members and vol-
 ruary 2015 Quarterly Member- Photo by Josh Travers - BLM  and the second phase will be   ence Day. These   unteers for help-
 ship Meeting. Officer Thayer   scheduled for completion during   two events, held in       ing to preserve and
 shared the interesting informa-  2016. The Turtlehead Peak Trail   early October and       maintain Red Rock
 tion that Red Rock Canyon   will continue to be rated as diffi-  November, had over        Canyon. Your work
 was SAR’s most visited loca-  New rock cairn to highlight   cult, but will be a well-established   150 participants who   is keeping our visi-
 the correct trail
 tion (meaning the most rescues   trail and focused efforts will be   eagerly tackled some   tors safe!
 needed) and that Turtlehead Peak had by far   made to restore impacted areas from signifi-  tough “RE” projects:
 the most rescues in the canyon.  cant “social” trailing.   replacing rotted walk-
                                    way planks, reinforc-
          Above photos by Roger Kolar                             Above photos by Bill Redinger

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2                                                                     Winter 2016
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