Page 16 - winter 2016 the rock
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16 Friends oF red rock canyon                                                                                                                                                                Friends oF red rock canyon      17

         Membership has its Rewards                                                                                                       Membership Rewards (continued from previous page)

                                                                                                                                          including a meal, auctions and great company.    community and so much more.
                                                                                             By Mary E. Labie
                                                                                                                                          •      Training. We’ll help provide training     Last, but certainly not least, as a member, you
                                                                                                                                          for you if you need it for a volunteer interest.   have the satisfaction of knowing that you are
                   ome of us have been members of Friends       prepped and mailed by volunteers. The articles                            CPR/First Aid, hike leader/interpretive train-   contributing to the preservation of Southern
                Sof Red Rock Canyon for many years and          are interesting and informative and are also                              ing... We want you to be the best you can be.    Nevada’s crown jewel — Red Rock Canyon.
                others for not so long. It helps to have an     written by volunteers.                                                                                                     Everything we do benefits Red Rock Canyon
                occasional reminder of our mission and the                                                                                Your support provides the resources to re-       National Conservation Area.
                benefits we have (and provide) as members of    •      Monthly e-newsletters are sent to keep                             move graffiti, bring “at-risk” students to the
                Friends of Red Rock Canyon.                     members informed of trainings, events and                                                                                  Thank you for helping us preserve this won-
                                                                program dates. We also let you know about                                 Rock for an educational field trip, care for the   derful place.
                “Friends of Red Rock Canyon - dedicated to      “must have” items found at the Red Web (the                               tortoises, fund trail maintenance and repair as
                the protection and enrichment of Red Rock       Friends website store) and the Elements Gift                              well as protect cultural and natural resources,
                Canyon National Conservation Area.” It is a     and Book Store.                                                           maintain and repair boardwalks, educate the
                straightforward statement but what does this
                really mean? It means this: We provide essen-   •      Speaking of stores — all members                                                                  “Making Friends” Recruitment Initiative
                tial assistance to the Bureau of Land Manage-   receive a 25% discount on regularly priced
                ment to fill and augment the flatlined federal   purchases through the Friends Red Web store
                funding. Our help includes providing financial   and the Elements Gift and Book Store at the                                 Any member can contribute to our mission through gifts of memberships for all occasions or
                support for educational and environmental       Visitor Center. Please be sure to show your                                  by sponsoring friends or family members. In appreciation, there is a rewards program for gift
                programs along with the critically needed vol-  member ID card at Elements. There is no need                                 and sponsored memberships. Contact Mary Labie at
                unteer staff required to maintain, protect and   to do this on the Red Web site; we know you
                preserve Red Rock Canyon.                       and will credit your account for your discount.
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                                                                Please remember, your membership must be
                Our members provide the majority of volun-      current to receive the discounts.
                teers at Red Rock - and your member dues                                                                                  Sharon’s Slant (continued from page 5)
                are a main source for funding projects! There   •      All members are invited to our three                               veterinarian, and their dad Steven, a photogra-  aktewa, who shares her stories of the Ancient
                are many volunteer opportunities available in   yearly meetings at Bonnie Springs Ranch.                                  pher, the children are getting ready for a trip to   Puebloans at Spruce Tree House and Ranger
                areas ranging from interacting with Red Rock    These meetings include a free breakfast,                                  Mesa Verde National Park                                 Stan LaPoint, tour guide at Balcony
                Canyon guests to helping shape the policies     Friends updates, interesting speakers and                                 when Lucky, a 13-year old                                 House who helps Lucky overcome
                and direction of Friends of Red Rock Canyon.    door prizes. The Annual Meeting, usually                                  runaway, is placed with                                   some of her fears.
                Concerned about not knowing what needs to       held in September, is for election of Officers                            the family.
                be done and how to do it? Training is avail-    and Board members and member approval of
                able to provide all the information needed for   the budget for the next fiscal year. Your vote                                                                                     Published by the National Geographic
                specific volunteer programs.                    counts!                                                                   While Olivia tries to find                                Society, the Cliff-Hanger series is avail-
                                                                                                                                          out why a cougar is at-                                   able on Amazon. Images books are also
                How does being a member help you and Red        •      All members are also invited to the an-                            tacking visitors in the                                   available on Amazon and on the Images
                Rock Canyon? Your membership provides the       nual Volunteer Awards and Appreciation cel-                               park, Jack and Ashley try                                 of America website where you can do a
                following benefits in addition to providing     ebration held each November. We do charge                                 to make sense of Lucky’s                                  search by state name.
                program support:                                a nominal fee for non-volunteering members.                               strange behavior. As they
                                                                Our member volunteers are recognized for                                  visit sites in Mesa Verde,
                •      You will receive our quarterly maga-     their much-appreciated contributions to Red                               the children meet Hopi
                zine, the Rock, which is created, published,    Rock Canyon. This is a celebratory event
                                                                                                                                          Ranger Nancy Lomay-
                                                                                     (Continued on next page)

               the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2                                                                                                                                                                                 Winter 2016
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