Page 14 - winter 2016 the rock
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14 Friends oF red rock canyon                                                                                                                                                                Friends oF red rock canyon     15

               M onarchs, M ilkweed & M igration                                                                                          Return Safely (continued from page 7)            Don’t rely on having cell phone service at Red

                                                                                                                                           •  Signaling tools like a mirror or CD,
                                                                                                                                               whistle and a small flashlight              Rock Canyon as the cell coverage is spotty at
                                                                                                                                           •  Pocketknife or multi-use tool                best.
       $135,000 grant received to help the great Monarch migration                               By Pat Williams                           •  Small first-aid kit

                                                                                                                                           Hike with a similarly prepared companion.       Be aware of your surroundings both immedi-
                  onarch butterflies. We all know they are       for these beautiful pollinators.                                                                                          ate - hazards such as potential falls, danger-
              Mbeautiful. Most people don’t realize that                                                                                   Plan your hike distance according to the        ous animals, or even ankle-turning rocks, and
              these delicate creatures migrate thousands of      Doyle Way-                                                                quantity of water that you are personally       distant - such as changing weather.
              miles every year to their wintering location in    man, past chair   © Derek Ramsey - Wikipedia                              able to carry. When you’ve used up 1/3 of       If you wish more information from Bob, at-
      © Tom Hilton, Flickr Creative Com mons  monarchs to complete   has been con-      Monarch on Swamp Milkweed                          Newsletter” ( advises         by the Bureau of Land Management. Training
                                                                 of the Native
              Mexico. And most don’t know that the annual
                                                                                                                                           your water, it’s time to turn around even if
                                                                 Plant Team,
              migration can involve up to four generations of
                                                                                                                                                                                           tend his volunteer training sessions sponsored
                                                                                                                                           your goal hasn’t been met.  The “Desert USA
                                                                 tracted as the
                                                                                                                                                                                           is traditionally offered in the late winter or
                                      the journey. Along the
                                                                                                                                           not to ration your water … it will only do you
                                                                 project manager
                                      way, the monarchs
                                                                                                                                                                                           early spring.
                                                                                                                                           good if you drink it.
                                                                 for the study
                                      stop to drink nectar
                                                                 period and is
                                                                                                                                                                                           His parting advice is: “Don’t be bull-headed
                                      and lay eggs on one
                                                                                                                                           Always inform someone you trust of your
                                                                 actively recruiting volunteers to assist with this
                                      specific plant – the
                                                                                                                                                                                           and power through to your intended goal no
                                                                                                                                           hike plan: Let them know your hiking route,
                                                                 very important assignment. Positions include
                                      milkweed (Asclepias).
                 Desert Milkweed
                                                                 team leaders, field volunteers, seed cleaners,
                                                                                                                                                                                           safely rather than increase your risk-level.”
                                                                                                                                           Stick with your itinerary, as it is easy to
                                                                 planting/propagation, data entry and outreach.                            its distance and when you plan to return.       matter what. Turn around and return home
                                                                                                                                           become disoriented in the desert where many
              Sadly, due to climate                              Training will be provided beginning in January                            landmarks and rock formations look similar.
              change, increased use of                           and will continue, as needed, throughout the
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
              herbicides and habitat loss,                       project.
              the North American mon-      © Derek Ramsey - Wikipedia                                                                       Monarchs (continued from previous page)      “If the monarch goes extinct, it's no different
              arch population has dwin-                          There are thirteen species of milkweed in                                  After the pods are cleaned, the seeds will   ecologically from the loss of the passenger pigeon.
              dled from over one billion                         Nevada with the spider (Asclepias asperula),                               either be propagated in a greenhouse or      It’s just like going into a museum and pulling a rare
              to fewer than 60 million in                        desert (Asclepias erosa) and showy (Asclepias                              saved for revegetation efforts.              painting off the wall and destroying it. How many
              the past 20 years.                 Monarch         speciose) varieties being the most common                                                                               natural phenomena are we going to kill off? I think
                                                                 in Clark County. The flowering period ranges                               The project will also map the locations of   the monarch is the canary in the coal mine telling us
              What we’re doing to help.                          from April through August followed by the                                  the milkweed plants and note the presence    that things are beginning to go really wrong, when
                                                                 plant develop-                                                             of any monarch butterflies, eggs or cater-   you can take a widespread migration of this sort and
              Friends of Red Rock Canyon was awarded a           ing seedpods.                                                              pillars. The mapping results will be shared   completely dismantle it as a result of human activ-
              grant of $135,000 to locate, map and collect the   Volunteers will                                                            with various government and private orga-    ity. Is it ethical to let these things go extinct when
              seeds of the native milkweed plants. The two-      GPS the locations                                                          nizations in order to improve the popula-    we have the ability to prevent that from happening?
              year project will include plant propagation and    of the blooming           © Derek Ramsey - Wikipedia                       tion of the magnificent monarch.             Are people the only creatures with a right to rich and
              establishing or augmenting milkweed “bed and       milkweed plants                                                                                                         natural lives on this planet?”
              breakfasts” for the monarch butterflies on their   (and in some cases                                                         It’s the right thing to do.
              annual migration. The grant, one of twenty-        installing a protec-        Swamp Milkweed Seedpod                                                                      Lincoln Brower, Ph.D., Research Professor of
              two awarded by the National Fish and Wildlife      tive barrier around                                                                                                     Biology, Sweet Briar College
              Foundation, is part of an international effort to   the plant – wild burros are very fond of milk-
              protect, conserve and increase the habitat areas   weed) and later return to collect the seedpods.                      Find out more on our website: or email
                                                                                        (Continued on next page)                      to volunteer for this great project.

               the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2                                                                                                                                                                                 Winter 2016
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