Page 11 - winter 2016 the rock
P. 11

10 Friends oF red rock canyon                                                 Friends oF red rock canyon     11

 Cheers to You!  By Pat Williams           Congratulations to Walter Barbuck

                                           for being a twenty-year Friends
 Friends Volunteers Rock                   member and Red Rock volunteer!
                                           In early December Chuck Williams
                                           presented Walter with commemora-
                                           tive gifts during his monthly stint on
                                           the Information Desk.
 he member volunteers who keep Red   tion awards were presented by Presi-
 TRock Canyon National Conservation   dent Chuck Williams and Director Joe
 Area running smoothly were honored at   Labie to our dedicated volunteers.   Photo by Norm Kresge
 the Friends of Red Rock Canyon Annual      Raffle proceeds defray costs of Annual Appreciation Event
 Appreciation and Awards Barbecue held in   The Volunteer Rewards and the Presi-
 November.   dential Points of Light Awards, spon-  Silver Award Recipients - 250 to 499 Volunteer Hours  After the awards were presented, lucky winners took home over $2,000
 sored by Friends of Red Rock Canyon,   Mary Labie, Joe Labie, Roger Hembree, Lynn Thigpen, Roger Kolar, Gerry   in donated prizes, which included framed photography, jewelry, wine
 Wojciechowski, Karen Cunningham, Cheryl Zentz, Shari Young, Jeff Young,
 Over 115   were presented to over 75 volunteers.   Susan Murphy, Patricia Potter and Sharon Schaaf  baskets, camping and hiking equipment, home décor, gift cards and metal
 members and   Volunteer Rewards included Visions   sculptures. After attendees purchased raffle coupons, they were able to
                                       choose the prizes they’d like to win by depositing their tickets in separate
 of Red Rock 2016 calendars, Seek-
 guests cel-
 Photo by Roger Hembree  ebrated the   ers, Saints & Scoundrels books,   buckets for each prize.
 sweatshirts or jackets based upon
                                          Proceeds from the ticket sales paid for more than half the cost of the
 the individual’s volunteer hours. The
                                              event. Thank you to the generous raffle donors who include:
 a barbecue
 also based on annual or lifetime vol-
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                                       Terrible Herbst
                                                             Liz & Alan Carmer
                                                                                     Sharyn Cochran
 Sarah Webster and Edwina LeBrecque being   and enjoyed   Presidential Points of Light Awards,   Elements Gift Store  REI           Off Broadway Shoes
 served  lunch in beau-  unteer contributions, were delivered to   Photo by Roger Hembree  Brenda Jackson   Tom & Nancy Knapp   Roger & Sue Kolar
 tiful Bonnie   members volunteering more than 100   Joe & Mary Labie   Patricia Potter      John & Sharon Schaaf
 Springs Ranch. Everyone enjoyed fall-off-  hours in the past year.  Don Schoengold   Vicki Sudduth      Chuck & Pat Williams
 the-bone tender barbecued chicken, cow-  Gold Award Recipients - Over 500 Volunteer Hours  Gerry & Terrie Wojciechowski
 boy baked beans, cole slaw and biscuits in   A special Points of Light recognition   Carol Swearingen, Sue Kolar, Tom Lisby, Pat Williams and Chuck Williams
 the Old Town Saloon before the apprecia-  award was presented to Anthony Tim-
 mons, Jr. for his volunteer contribu-
 tions in community events, the Site
 Steward Program, Cultural Resources
 and the Native Plant teams.
 Photo by Roger Hembree  Fifteen-year-old Anthony has been a   Photo by Roger Hembree

 Friends volunteer since late 2013 and
 has volunteered over 175 hours of his

 many incredible and fragile locations
 Bronze Award Recipients - 100 to 249 Volunteer Hours  time to help preserve and conserve the
 Front row: Gail Surgent, Edwina LeBrecque, Vicki Ashenfelter, Loretta Coleman, Beth   in southern Nevada.   Director Joe Labie, Secretary Patricia Potter and President Chuck Williams
 Dixon, Kuniaki Nagai, Jan Shevorski, Don Schoengold, Vivienne Toliusis, Linda Vetter,   present Anthony Timmons, Jr., with the Teen Gold Presidential Points of Light
 John Schaaf, Barb Ulmer. Back Row: Chris Dempsey, Mike Evans, Stuart Stenzel, Har-
 old Larson, Linda McCollum, Larry Dunn, Dwight Hempel, Eric Rebstock, Gary Vetter,   Award for his volunteer service
 Tony Timmons                              Linda Vetter, Sharon Schaaf, Nancy Knapp and Gerry Wojciechowski calling winning numbers
                                                                                          (Continued on page 18)

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2                                                                     Winter 2016
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