Page 18 - winter 2016 the rock
P. 18
18 Friends oF red rock canyon
Book N ook By Sharon Schaaf
anis Kadlec, Director of Programming - RRCIA, Written by Friends’ volunteers Chuck Williams, Linda
Jhas selected “Seekers, Saints and Scoundrels: The McCollum, Cam Camburn, Norm Kresge, Dan Wray
Colorful Characters of Red Rock Canyon,” and Sharon Schaaf, the book was published in July
as the featured book for the winter Book 2015 and was three years in the making. It will be
Nook. The program will be held on Febru- fun to discuss who you think was a seeker, a saint
ary 13, after the Friends’ General Meeting. or a scoundrel.
The book is a history of Red Rock Canyon The book is available in the Elements Gift and
covering one hundred and seventy-five Book Store and in the Friends of Red Rock Canyon
years of exploration and development. web store. Call Janis at 702-515-5367 to reserve
your spot for the book discussion.
Cheers to You (continued from page 11)
Volunteers Rock
Bureau of Land Management managers and staff members recognized
Friends members
Larry Dunn and
Susan Murphy for
their preservation
efforts and event
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
Photo by Roger Hembree Over 40 volunteers Photo by Roger Hembree
were also presented
preciation of their
Jeanne Tinsman, Catrina Williams, Josh Travers and Cal Howell with passes in ap-
(BLM) present Appreciation Award to Larry Dunn
Volunteers who Mark Beauchamp at Red Rock Day 2015
donated 40 hours Friends members collectively donated
of their time in over 25,000 hours of their time and tal-
the past year were ent during the past year.
25,000 hours…
given Red Rock What does that mean in the real world?
Photo by Roger Hembree passes and those It is the equivalent of almost 9 people
Canyon Annual
with 250 cumula-
working eight hours a day, 365 days a
tive volunteer hours
the available staffing and presence
Jeanne Tinsman, Catrina Williams, Josh Travers and Cal Howell received an Amer- year. Our members effectively doubled
ica the Beautiful
(BLM) present Appreciation Award to Sue Murphy
National Park pass. within Red Rock Canyon.
the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2