Page 5 - winter 2016 the rock
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4  Friends oF red rock canyon                                                 Friends oF red rock canyon      5

 Member Updates  By Mary E. Labie  Sharon’s Slant                                       By Sharon Schaaf

 Welcome to our newest members of the Friends of Red Rock Canyon family!
                             A picture is worth a thousand words

 Don Bell         Toni Brucker         Sarah Clinger
 Roger Counts         Gleis Costa         Greg Darrow  museum specialist for the Lake Mead   Hoover Dam Museum is of composer Ferde
 Trevor Farris         Garrett Fehner         Frederick B. Hampton  A  National Recreation Area, local author   Grofe who wrote the song “Dawn at Lake

 Andrew Hart         Erin Hart         Patricia Iorizzo   Erin Elizabeth Eichenberg has written “Lake   Mead” inspired by the beauty of the lake. My
               Mead,” part of Arcadia Publishing’s Images        favorite photo is of an airplane flying over the
 Brittany Jones         Bonita M. Kern        Duane Litchfield
               of America Book Series for 2015. The book         Colorado River in the 1930s as the pilot looks
 Theresa Litchfield      Ann Lusk         James Maletta  joins 28 other Images books set in Nevada,   for areas that would be good for construction
 Erin McDermott        Julio Mejia         Charles Keith Miller, Jr.   several of which are for sale in   of Hoover Dam. The
 David Nashour        Kate Nolan         Elizabeth Powell  Elements Gift and Book Store   picture is taken from

 Alejondro Rader        Ricardo Rosenbusch      Marcia Rosenbusch  in the Red Rock Canyon Visitor   another airplane fly-
               Center. In 128 pages, each Im-                                             ing above it.
 Roberta Ross         Kirk Schaubmayer      Stacy Schaubmayer
               ages book uses about 200 black
 Kaitlin Schaubmayer      Diane Steward         Rebecca Stover   and white photos with captions   Another series book,
 Aaron Tippett          Lars Walker         Carla Wise  to tell the story of a time and   this one for nine to
               place important to the author.                                             twelve year olds,
 Thank you to the Elisha-Bolton Foundation                                                caught my eye in the
 for your support of Friends of Red Rock Canyon!  Erin’s photos are from the              gift shop at Scotty’s
 Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
               National Park Service, the Lake                                            Castle this past
               Mead National Recreation                                                   spring. Written by
               Area, the U.S. Bureau of Recla-                                            a mother-daughter
               mation and the Boulder City-                                               team, mystery writer
 For you...    Hoover Dam Museum. Friends’                                                Alane Ferguson and
 or for that   members Elaine Holmes and                                                  science writer Gloria
 Special Someone in your life.  Linda McCollum also worked                                Skurzynski, “Cliff-
               on “Lake Mead.”                                                            Hanger: A Mystery
 Friends members save 25%
 on all regularly priced                                                                  in Mesa Verde Na-
 merchandise. Just show your   Even if you’ve visited Lake                               tional Park” is part of
 member card.  Mead, the Hoover Dam or Boulder City              their Mysteries in Our National Parks series.
               many times, you will still discover a lot         There are twelve books in the collection, set in
               of surprises in the book. There is a photo        parks as close to Las Vegas as Zion and Death
               of Donald Campbell and his team getting           Valley and as far away as Acadia and Denali.
               ready to launch Campbell’s jet-powered boat       I picked this book because Mesa Verde is one
               named Bluebird K7. In 1955 the team set a         of my favorite national parks.
 Elements Gift and Book Store  new water speed record of 216.20 miles per   The main characters in “Cliff-Hanger” are
 Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center  hour on Lake Mead.              12-year old Jack Landon and his 10-year old
               One of the photos from the Boulder City-          sister Ashley. Along with their mom Olivia, a
                                                                                       (Continued on page 17)

 the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 2                                                                     Winter 2016
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