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During the past 6 years, it has been my privilege to serve with you and for you as your president and a
       member of Friends of Red Rock Canyon.  As a team we have strengthened existing partnerships, created new
       community bonds and fostered and encouraged a sense of individual ownership of the Rock.  You have
       donated your time, your passion and your incredible talents to improve our guests experience as well as
       preserve, protect and enrich this magical place.  You can be proud of the accomplishments that will be experi-
       enced not only by our generation but for generations to come.

       To all the members, volunteers, committee chairs and board members thank you from the bottom of my heart
       for supporting me and helping me complete my time in o ce. Without you this would have been an insur-
       mountable job: no one person can do it all.

       Over the years, thousands of volunteers came from all parts of the community to repair miles of trails, remove
       far too many gra ti tags, collect thousands of tons of trash and greet over four million guests. You as volun-
       teers have contributed over 5 million dollars in direct  nancial and volunteer support.  Through your e orts
       we will be leaving the Canyon a better place for families, hikers, climbers, bicyclists and equestrians enthusi-
       asts. I applaud and thank you for your passion and commitment.  We are more than volunteers; we are an
       integral part of the successful stewardship of Red Rock Canyon.

       I love the Canyon.  It has given me an overwhelming sense of serenity and healing. Giving back to this magical
       land was my pleasure and like my passion for the Canyon, my passion, enthusiasm and commitment for
       Friends of Red Rock Canyon grows ever stronger.   I will cherish the lifelong friendships I have developed with
       all of you, the volunteers of Friends of Red Rock Canyon.

       Although I leaving the o ce of President I will remain a passionate supporter and an active volunteer of
       Friends of Red Rock Canyon and of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.

       Thank you again for your trust and encouragement throughout the years.  It is with great con dence I leave
       the o ce of President in the hands of Mark Beauchamp and hope that you will give him the same unwavering
       support you have always shown.   He is a long time advocate of Friends of Red Rock Canyon and will move this
       organization to the next level.

       Happy Trails

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