Page 14 - magazine winter2011-1
P. 14
(continued from page 13)
A few minutes into a
conversation with Platko you
realize just how much she cares
for not only her dogs, Daisy,
Spec and Tigger, but all dogs,
yours and your neighbors’. By
donating the proceeds from the (continued from page 11)
shirts to these worthy The Willow Spring Award will be presented to Dan and Vera Wray.
organizations, she puts her Members since 1997, Dan and Vera have contributed approximately 5,500
volunteer hours and have volunteered in the Tortoise Habitat since
muscles to work for the good of
inception. They have provided countless hours of their time, knowledge
our four-legged friends. It was and talents in educating innumerable area guests in responsible recreation
finally time to take my wobbly as well as the fragility of the desert tortoise.
two legs home to curl up on The Best Friend Award was awarded to Kevin Routsong, former BLM Red
couch, but no cheese puffs. Rock Canyon Operations Manager. Kevin brought a unique and fun
perspective to the volunteer program at Red Rock Canyon. His positive
Platko can be contacted at
attitude of “We can do it!” and then following up with the support, both financial as well as physically, ensured success and a good time for
To further celebrate our members’ achievements, Ron Wenker, State Director,
and Jim Cribbs, Red Rock Canyon Volunteer Coordinator, of the Bureau of
Land Management presented several awards at the Friends Volunteer
Appreciation and Awards Banquet to recognize our member’s volunteer
Walter Barbuck was the 2010 recipient of the
Moenkopi Award. The award, named for the
REI is not just a supplier of Moenkopi Trail, is presented to the volunteer with
equipment for us outdoor folks consistency and length of service at Red Rock
Canyon. Walter has been an active volunteer,
and our outdoor dogs, but they primarily serving on the Information Desk, since
are a huge supporter of Friends 1995.
of Red Rock Canyon. They have
Roger and Susan Kolar were honored with the
co-sponsored community events, Volunteers of the Year award to celebrate their
contributions in rebuilding the Tortoise Habitat
awarded grants, availed us a
team. They have been instrumental in establishing
meeting room and give us the a new and improved home for our resident ‘kids’,
opportunity to raise funds by the desert tortoise.
gift wrapping in their store. Julia Burke received the new Epoch Award to celebrate and recognize her for the
most volunteer hours donated by an individual.
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