Page 7 - magazine winter2011-1
P. 7

(continued from page 5)

       The BLM’s Law Enforcement Rangers,
       working with the Las Vegas
       Metropolitan Police Department, started
       investigating the incident immediately
       with remarkable coverage from both the
       local and national media. FORRC posted
       information about the vandalism on our
       Facebook site and within 24 hours,
       received information about similar tag
       styles which were forwarded to law
       enforcement officials.
       The Las Vegas Metropolitan Graffiti
       unit, working with the BLM Law
       Enforcement team and U.S. Marshall’s,
       was able to successfully identify and
       apprehend the suspect. The juvenile was
       booked at the Clark County Detention Center on December
       9 and had a preliminary hearing on December 23. The judge
       denied releasing the accused over the holidays. In a court
       hearing on January 7, 2011, the suspect was released from                  Donors to the Arrest-Toration Fund
       local and state charges but was charged under the federal                  Bonanza World’s Largest Gift Store
       Antiquities Resource Protection Act, which has a maximum
       fine of $100,000 and a maximum jail term of 5 years in                     Bonnie Springs Ranch INC 
       prison.                                                                    Conservation Lands Foundation 
       Friends of Red Rock Canyon, responding to suggestions                      Creative Adventures LTD
       and financial contributions from several concerned                         Jim DiPeso
       members, established our first reward and area restoration
       account for information leading to the conviction of the                   LaDonna Durant
       person(s) responsible for this idiotic act as well as to help              Charles Emerson 
       with the costs of restoring the cultural site.  The
       Conservation Land’s Foundation matched the funds donated                   FORRC
       by FORRC and our members bringing the reward account                       Mimi Garrat Rodden
       to $2,500 almost immediately. Additional donations,
       including a $3,500 donation from the locally owned                         Elaine Holmes
       Bonanza World’s Largest Gift Store, has grown the reward                   William and Jo Johnson
       and restoration fund to over $7,000.
                                                                                  Paul Markowski
       Friends of Red Rock Canyon have also established a graffiti
       reporting site,, in                    Ann McConnell
       order to seek updated graffiti locations. We can’t remove it               Joan McDaniel
       if we don’t know about it.
                                                                                  Lynn Morris
                                                                                  Phil and Stephanie Peters
       Sadly, Friends of Red Rock Canyon realize that establishing
       an account for information leading to the conviction of                    George and Judy Phillips
       vandals is a necessity. We need to send the message that                   Carol Richards 
       Red Rock Canyon is a ‘no-fly’ zone for any destruction.
                                                                                  S.C. M. R. Hiking Club 
                                                                                  Southern NV Rock Art
                                                                                  Henry Staib

                                                                                  Harlan Stockman

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