Page 18 - Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
P. 18
Comarch is an international company with over 25 years of global experience. We are an end-
to-end Healthcare IT provider, driven by our customer needs, always ready to deliver
a tailored solution while staying true to our core values: being flexible and maintaining the
happines of the end-user. We offer a comprehensive ecosystem of products, consisting
of EHR, Telemedicine, Hospital and Medical AI Clouds. Integration of these platforms ensures
coordinated healthcare and supports patients, their families, and medical personnel.
The implementation experience gained in numerous medical institutions has allowed
us to deliver solutions that rationalize administrative processes and increase the quality
of medical services. More than 80 hospitals use our systems over 200 outpatient facilities work
with our software and systems and over 6000 patients were covered by our remote medical
care. Areas of expertise:
• Medical cloud solutions
• Remote medical care & IOT
• Electronic health record
• Software for medical facilities and hospitals
• IT solutions dor cities and regions
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+48 691 464 612 +48 734 166 760