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Infoscan S.A. is a telemedicine company with expert technological competence applied in a variety of
diagnostic areas. We offer telemedicine equipment for diagnostic examination of sleep apnea and
cardiovascular disorders.
Sleep apnea as a civilization disease
▪ USD 7.5 billion - projected value of the global market for devices used in sleep apnea diagnosis and
treatment in 2024
▪ 940 million - number of people who may suffer from sleepn apnea across the world
Our mission is to provide cost efficient diagnostic solution in order to enhance access to specialised
medical healthcare disregarding the patient’s location.
Diagnostics of breathing disorders during sleep is carried out using a device called MED Recorder and
a system known as Osascan along with analysis and description of the examination by the physicians
and experts.
MED Recorder records following data: blood saturation, heart rate and pulse wave, air flow through the
nose and the mouth, chest movements, body position and snoring intensity.
Telemedical system Osascan enables patients’ management, medical data storage, analysis, data
visualisation as well as generating reports. We support doctors and patients at every stage of diagnostic
services thanks to 24/7 Customer Care Service.
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