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SynappseHealth - Your Electronic Health Record & Telemedicine Plaform
Our mission is to ensure that everyone can access their medical data online for
FREE. Available at any place and time, with us in every situation. We are helping
to manage medical data and change the default behavior from healing
to preventing and proactively taking care of our health.
With the current pandemic situation we are contributing to the fight with the health
crisis by providing an easy and affordable way to get doctor's opinion. Without
leaving the confort of the house, online 24/7 and totally anonymous. Our
"Talk to a Doctor" app is reaching more and more people helping them in need.
We are a young startup working on many products around SynappseHealth platform.
When cooperating we are proven to be very flexible and fullfil all expectations. We
are open to help businesses, cities or even countries and we can quikly implement
and change the features to match the needs.
Sebastian Suchanowski
Social media APPs Website
Founder & CTO
+48 502 925 170