Page 19 - Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
P. 19
TZF Polfa Tarchomin is producer of
medicinal products with an
established position in Poland and
Central-Eastern Europe. Our
specialty is manufacturing
prescription drugs in various forms
of administration, what
distinguishes us from others is the
ability to manufacture injections
(antibiotics and psychotropic),
various dermatological forms (gels,
sprays, solutions) and human
insulins. A novelty in our portfolio
are disinfecting liquids (biocidal
products not cosmetics), which
were introduced to the portfolio
during the COVID pandemic - 19.
We also offer dry forms - tablets
and capsules.
We love life. We're treating effectively. We take challenges.
We are proud of our bicentennial history and that our
products are safe, effective and widely chosen by doctors.
We focus on cooperation with scientific centers in Poland,
which will result in the development of new products for
Our products guarantee effective treatment with low cost
therapy – we specialize in hospital tender products. We
proved to be a reliable partner in Europe, Russia, Vietnam
and many others and now we are very happy to be able to
support Kenyan patients with our products.
Trisept line (biocidal products) was introduced as a reply to
market needs and quickly became one of the most
recognized products in Poland – we became a partner of Mariusz Wituszynski
Polish professional league of football teams (Ekstraklasa).
Export Director
We love life and we love people so we made over 50 +48 516 898 438
donations during the COVID-19 crisis. The company have
supported Spain, Italy, Belarus and also 50 NGO’s, hospitals
and nursing homes by providing more than a 100K of bottles Social media
of sanitizers. TZF Polfa has been supporting Children’s
Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw.
Website Catalog
19 Polish Investment & Trade Agency