Page 22 - Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
P. 22

Pro-PLUS is a global leader in telemedicine
           solutions. For 28 years we have been successfully
           implementing solutions in the field of e-cardiology
           and telecare for hospitals, medical facilities and
           individual patients. Our position has been
           confirmed by the gold medal at the Shanghai
           International Invention and Innovation Expo and
           numerous implementations around the world,              Pro-PLUS has the broadest offer
           including in Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Italy, Bulgaria,     on    the    market    including
           Romania and Ukraine.                                    multiple telemedicine devices
                                                                   and the Telemedicine Platform
                                                                   enabling the management of
                                                                   devices and the provision of a
                                                                   number of services individually
                                                                   tailored to the needs of clients.
                                                                   Pro-PLUS solutions are based on
                                                                   our own technology, which is
                                                                   developed based on many years
                                                                   of experience and cooperation
                                                                   with    Key-opinion     leaders.
                                                                   As an innovative technology
                                                                   company,    we   develop   new
                                                                   products dedicated to patients:
                                                                   with heart failure (LVAD), after
                                                                   heart      attacks      (cardiac
                                                                   telerehabilitation), with cardiac
                                                                   arrhythmias          (long-term
                                                                   monitoring),   with   COVID-19
                                                                   (monitoring of patients infected
                                                                   and quarantined).

          We are the creator of innovative systems for:
          • long-term monitoring of cardiac patients at home with over 80% efficiency in detecting
             rare arrhythmias
          • cardiac telerehabilitation at home for patients after heart attacks and cardiac surgery
          • telecare of patients at home using a number of external devices such as blood pressure
             monitors, scales, pulse oximeters, thermomers, glucometers, etc.
          • monitoring of patients infected with COVID-19 and persons in quarantine

              Social media

                                                  Jerzy Szewczyk
              Website Catalog                     CEO
                                                  +48 602 595 601
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