Page 23 - Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
P. 23

Supported by a network of distribution centers in
                                                Europe, Mercator Medical is now one of the well-
                                                known suppliers of medical protective products in
                                                Europe and United States of America. What is the
          Mercator Medical Group is a global    real mission of the company? High quality of our
          concern   recognizable  in  medical   products, service excellence, protection and
          industry, based on Polish capital. For  satisfaction of our customers, employees and
          over 25 years Mercator has provided   stakeholders. There are almost three decades of
          – as a producer and distributor – a full  experience behind us and we still go forward,
          range of disposable medical products,  writing the next part of our history.
          mainly gloves (examination, surgical,
          protective, household, heavy-duty),
          dressings, disposable apparel, and
          non-woven       surgical    drapes.
          The Group sells products to over 70
          countries all around the world with a
          2% share on the global market (more
          than 6 billion gloves sold in total in
          2019). Core business include Poland,
          Russia, Romania, Czech Republic,
          Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany
          and Italy. Mercator Medical Group is
          1 of 2 European companies and one
          of few production conglomerates in
          the world producing in Asia (the
          company owns two factories in
          Thailand). The Polish parent company
          – Mercator Medical S.A. – has been
          listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
          since 2013.

           Mercator Medical Group is a protection oriented organization that aims to protect all the users, prevent
           infections and contamination. Our examination gloves provide the best protective barrier against
           microorganisms and the adverse influence of chemicals used in the hospital environment: disinfectants,
           detergents, medicines, cytostatics and radiopharmaceuticals. Gloves decrease the exposure of medical staff
           and patients to hospital-related infections. On the other hand, our surgical gloves – hermetically packed in
           pairs – provide protection against infections in a high-risk environment and are intended for invasive
           surgery requiring aseptic conditions. They play a key role in infection control procedure. Additionally, gloves
           –as a basic protective device – are recommended to be commonly used in everyday works (food
           preparation, gardening, etc.).  Through decades of successful operations company managed to develop
           excellent capabilities in manufacturing and product delivery to the markets. As a client-centric organization
           we are able to provide flexible and customized gloves, packages, graphic, and prints offers. Mercator
           Medical Group has the widest offer of gloves in constant sale in the Central and Eastern Europe: 52 types |
           6 kinds of raw materials | 5 gloves size for examination and 7 gloves size for surgery | 18 colours.

                                                                    Social media

           Ewa Murawska              Rafał Knapek
           Sales Director Thailand,   Export Manager                Website Catalog
           Ewa.Murawska@pl.mercat    Rafal.Knapek@pl.mercator
           +48 508 044 194           +48 665 320 537
          23    Polish Investment & Trade Agency
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