Page 18 - JAIN (Deemed to be university)
P. 18
Amount sanctioned:
Title of the project:
Income generated:
(Pl attach a soft copy or scanned copy of the
letter of sanction)
21 In- House projects proposed i.e., funded by
the Jain University & Implemented (Please
attach a list and provide the following
Name of the Investigator:
Title of the project:
Area of research:
Amount sanctioned:
(Pl attach a scanned copy of the sanction
22 Patents registered during the month (Please
attach a list and provide the following
Title of the patent:
Date on which granted:
Name of the inventor:
Date on which filed:
Period to which assigned:
(Pl enclose a soft copy)
E Academics
23 Syllabus completion – Subject-wise
Planned Hours:
Actual Hours:
Percentage (%) of completion:
Use separate sheet/s for each subject
24 Students Information –
Course-wise attendance:
Percentage (%)
25 Result Analysis – Course-wise) – To be
intimated upon declaration of results
26 New Courses/Programmes/Electives
proposed (Please attach a list)-Specify
27 Inter-disciplinary programs proposed
(Please attach a list)
Title of the programme:
Name, Designation and Department of the
Faculty member who proposed the initiative
F Beyond Curriculum
28 Students participation/organization in/of
National/International Seminars &
Workshops (Please attach a list)
Name of the student:
Semester in which studying?
Title of the seminar:
29 Study tours/field tours organized by the
Centre – (Please attach a list)
Name of the faculty member:
Place to which study/field tours organized:
No. of students participated :