Page 19 - JAIN (Deemed to be university)
P. 19

Outcome of the tour:
                    Organization/industry visited:
             30     Entrepreneurship –
                    (a) Promotional activities, if any:
                    (b) No. of students opted for this:
                    ©  Funding source, if any:
                    (d) Lines of business chosen:
             31     Any other information –Students’
                    Achievements, Extension activities like
                    Sports, NSS, NCC, SIFE (Students in Free
                    Enterprise) /SIG (Students Initiative Group),
                    Rotract, Women’s Cell,  Counseling, Alumni
                    information, etc. can be included (Please list
                    out the details)
             G                         Others
             32     National & International Journals
                    subscribed  during the month (Please attach
                    a list)
                    Name of the Journal:
                    Cost of the journal:
                    Specify,  any other details:
             33     Newspaper  articles  relating  to  news  about
                    Jain University
                    (Pl enclose scanned copies of the newspaper
             34     Library/Learning  resources  acquired  –
                    (Please attach a list)
             35     MoU’s entered into  with other
                    organizations during the month – (Please
                    attach a list and provide the following
                    Organization with which proposed:
                    Nature of MoU (Student Exchange
                    Programme/Research Collaborations etc):
                    Other details:
                    (Pl enclose a soft copy of the MoU)
             36     Activities during the months pertaining to
                    existing MOUs
             37     Industry Collaboration -
                    (a) No. of Companies contacted:
                    (b) No. of MoUs signed for participation of
                    students in Internship and other
             38     International Collaboration:
                    MoUs, if any, signed for Guest Lectures on
                    important topics to students
             39     Collaborative Research Programme
                    proposed with other Organizations, other
                    than MoU’s ( Please attach a list)
                    Nature of Collaboration:
                    Organization with which proposed:
                    Other details:
                    (Pl attach a soft copy)
             40     Placements –
                          (a) Total no. of Companies
                          (b) Total no. of Offers made to
                              students :
                          (c) Average salary offered :
                          (d) Action taken to increase the

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