Page 60 - Course Catalog 20-21
P. 60

Lodi Unified School District                                        59

                                                     Course Catalog

         Seminar 101                                                                                      216610

          MHS, THS      9       10                                        Elective   G         N
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This course is designed to help students understand the importance of academics and to build a solid foundation of skill such as self-
        analysis, time-management, goal-setting, decision-making, career research, financial literacy and  planning  for the  future.   Every
        student will leave this class having completed a 10-Year Plan that includes their high school plans along with post-secondary options.

         Special Education Tutor                                                                          849700

            LHS       11-12     10                                        Elective             Y

         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        Students perform various tasks as assigned by the instructor and work with individual students on a one-to-one basis or with small
        groups. Students assist the instructor during activities carried out by the class.

         Student Government                                                                               271900

          MHS, THS    9-12      10                                        Elective             Y
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This course is designed to meet the needs of the Student Leadership Team. All assembly persons and student body officers are
        required to enroll in this course once elected. The course concentrates on legislative procedures, basic concepts of the democratic
        process, team building, special projects & developing leadership skills, parliamentary procedure, management, communication &
        decision making.

         Teacher’s Aide (T.A.)                                                            860500,860600,860700

          BCHS,LHS,   11-12     10                                        Elective             Y
          MHS, THS
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        Students working as teachers’ aides work individually with teachers. Learning experiences include typing, filing, record keeping,
        stapling, and collating. Other experiences may include bulletin board preparation, game and/or practice drill supervision, audio-
        visual material preparation, and resource material gathering.

         World Language Tutor                                                                             229700

          BCHS, LHS   11-12     10                                        Elective             Y
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This course provides students with real experience working in a classroom setting assisting students. The foreign language tutor is an
        intermediate or advanced learner in the target language who can partner with lower level students in conversational activities and
        edit/evaluate student written work for accuracy. Students may also help with clerical activities such as correcting papers to expose
        them to the written work of the target language.
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