Page 41 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
P. 41

FMR 64                  Trafficking and smuggling                          41

       June 2020                                

       of sampling the results are seen as being   Recommendations
       representative of the general population, even   This leads us to make three recommendations
       though not every member of the population   that we feel would help drive better data
       had an equal probability of being selected.   collection and management and lead to more
       However, snowball sampling in anti-trafficking   accurate estimation of trafficking prevalence:
       studies tends to start with a known group
       of people who are connected to victims or   Develop comprehensive standardised
       who are victims themselves. Consequently,   guidelines: Given that no methodology
       the final estimate is likely to over-report   provides a fully comprehensive estimate,
       prevalence of trafficking in the general   guidelines are needed in order to help groups
       population. The true prevalence estimate is   determine which method to use based on
       likely to be somewhere between the estimates   demographic factors, type of trafficking and
       produced by random and snowball sampling.  their budget and timing constraints. These
          Multiple systems estimation is based on   guidelines should be evidence-based, meaning
       lists of trafficking victims detected and recorded  that there needs to be further testing of each
       by local authorities. It requires a country to   method. They must focus on returning the
       have at least two lists from different sources   most precise estimates possible, in order for
       with a minimum of around 80 victims.⁵ This   researchers to be able to confidently detect
       technique is most frequently employed in high-  the effect that a programme has had on
       income countries that have strong data systems.  prevalence. Survivors should be consulted
          While these methods provide a tremendous   in the development of the guidelines and in
       insight into the prevalence of trafficking, no   the implementation of each methodology.
       single method provides a complete picture
       of the extent of the crime or of the victims’   Utilise an impact evaluation methodology:
       experiences. Each method has advantages   Conducting and comparing prevalence
       in relation to evaluating certain types of   estimates at the beginning and end of
       crimes, environments or populations and,   programme implementation can show an
       correlatively, each has its drawbacks. The chief   increase or a decrease but only through setting
       difficulties have centred on researchers’ lack of   up a control group can a change in prevalence
       awareness of situations in which individuals   be attributed to the impact of the programme.
       are particularly vulnerable to being trafficked   While this impact evaluation methodology
       and the frequent inability or unwillingness   does not have to be used for every programme
       of respondents to identify themselves as   it should certainly be used for new
       having experienced trafficking. This may   programmes and to inform decisions about
       be because of fear of stigma (no matter how   whether to expand existing programmes.
       strong the assurances of confidentiality);
       because respondents may not know that   Involve new academics: Trafficking is an
       they are victims of trafficking; or because   interdisciplinary topic that would benefit from
       they fear retribution from their trafficker.   the focus of a greater number and variety
          Another problem is the reliance on primary   of researchers. When looking for partners,
       data for measuring programme success.   organisations should target emerging
       Organisations increasingly see the value   scholars and academics not customarily
       and importance of strong data collection and   engaged in the trafficking arena, possibly
       management practices, but it will indeed take   from fields such as criminology, sociology,
       a sea change before best practice principles   social work, economics, demography and
       are integrated into every organisation. If   public health. Their fresh perspectives
       data collection and management practices   can unearth new insights and help make
       were stronger, these could be heavily   much-needed progress. Combatting
       relied upon to validate estimates or even to   trafficking requires a scientifically rigorous,
       develop estimates where there is insufficient   interdisciplinary response that does
       budget to carry out new data collection.  justice to the experiences of the victims.
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