Page 46 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
P. 46

FMR 64
   46                          Trafficking and smuggling                                       June 2020

                                                 and the criminal and administrative
                                                 penalties for sex work, as well as
                                                 establishing a respectful relationship
                                                 between sex workers and the police,
                                                 would facilitate the identification
                                                 (including self-identification) of
                                                 victims of trafficking in the industry.
                                                 Community solutions
                                                 Our research also shows that sex
                                                 workers use their own resources
                                                 to offer assistance to peers. In
                                                 Durban, South Africa, peer outreach
                                                 educators from the organisation
                                                 Sisonke encountered young women
                                                 and adolescent girls who were being
                                                 controlled by a pimp standing nearby.
                                                 Under the guise of distributing
                                                 condoms, they managed to give the
                                                 number of the organisation’s helpline
                                                 to the girls, who later called, and the
                                                 helpline staff reported the matter to
                                                 the police. This led eventually to the
                                                 successful prosecution of one of South
                                               Lesego Tlhwale  of children for sexual exploitation.
                                                 Africa’s largest cases of the trafficking
                                                    In India, one of the committees
                                                 of the Veshya Anyay Mukti Parishad
                                                 (VAMP) sex worker collective was
       Sex workers protest in South Africa during a trial for the murder of a sex worker.
                                                    approached by the madam
       negotiate with clients and which clients to   of a brothel, who suspected that a girl
       avoid, how and where to advertise and what   brought to her by a pimp was a minor.
       prices to charge. This kind of information   When committee members went to the
       provision about laws, rights and conditions   brothel to investigate, the pimp took the
       of work is an established good practice   girl away in a taxi to another brothel area.
       to reduce the vulnerability of migrants   The committee alerted their counterparts
       and low-wage workers to exploitation and   in that area, who discovered where the
       abuse, including trafficking, and many anti-  pimp took the girl. Committee members
       trafficking organisations engage in such work.  found her, verified that she was indeed
          All the organisations whose staff we spoke  a minor, contacted her parents, provided
       with also engage in public activities – lectures,  counselling to them and to the girl, and
       rallies, work with the media or policy   referred them to the police. Although the
       advocacy – to address the criminalisation   pimp escaped again, the action taken by
       and stigmatisation of sex work. This is   the committee women had such an impact
       important because traffickers exploit this   that he never returned to that community.
       criminalisation and stigma in order to keep   What these and other cases documented
       victims under their control, convincing   in the GAATW research have in common
       them that if they go to the police they will   is that the solutions are not always obvious
       not be believed but will instead be arrested   or conventional; in some cases, sex workers
       and jailed for prostitution and, in the case   have to get creative in order to find the best
       of migrants, deported. Removing the stigma   solution. Traditional anti-trafficking measures
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