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FMR 64                  Trafficking and smuggling                          47

       June 2020                                

       to identify victims such as ‘raid and rescue’   programming these are broadly referred to
       operations led by NGOs or by the police are   as (re)integration or social inclusion services.
       typically violent and traumatic events for   The automatic, inaccurate conflation of
       both sex workers and victims of trafficking.   6  all sex work with trafficking, and the view of
       Our research shows that the peer-led   all prostitution as exploitation, prevent many
       interventions, by contrast, are person-focused   anti-trafficking organisations from seeing
       and sensitive to the realities of the industry.   the similarities between their agenda and
          In some of the countries in which   work and that of sex workers’ organisations.
       we conducted our research, sex worker   Yet the two are not incompatible: sex worker
       organisations have formed pragmatic, if   organisations can address situations of
       sometimes uneasy, cooperation with State   trafficking, and anti-trafficking organisations
       bodies and NGOs to address suspected cases   can respect the rights of sex workers. We hope
       of trafficking. For example, in South Africa,   that the GAATW research can lead to a new
       SWEAT and Sisonke have occasionally   approach that respects sex workers’ decisions
       collaborated with the National Human   and agency and recognises them as essential
       Trafficking Resource Line, and in India   partners in combatting human trafficking.
       some police officers recognise the need to   Borislav Gerasimov
       work with VAMP to prevent trafficking.   Programme Coordinator Communications and
          However, in most cases sex worker
       organisations are excluded at the institutional   Advocacy, Global Alliance Against Traffic in
                                            Women; Editor, Anti-Trafficking
       and policy levels. In Spain, the organisation   Review
       Hetaira was denied a place in the national
       anti-trafficking NGO network. In South   1.
       Africa, SWEAT had to leave the Western   2. Bernstein E (2018) Brokered Subjects: Sex, Trafficking, and the
                                            Politics of Freedom, The University of Chicago Press
       Cape Counter-Trafficking Coalition   3. See for example Chuang J (2010) ‘Rescuing Trafficking from
       due to hostilities from other members   Ideological Capture: Prostitution Reform and Anti-Trafficking
       relating to their position on sex work.   Law and Policy’, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol 158(6):
       A shared agenda                      4. A 2006 issue of FMR, ‘People trafficking: upholding rights and
                                            understanding vulnerabilites’, was produced with the support and
       Ultimately, sex worker organisations are   advice of GAATW.
       workers’ rights organisations whose primary   5. GAATW (2018) Sex Workers Organising for Change: Self-
       mandate is to ensure that the human,   representation, community mobilisation, and working conditions
       economic, social, political and labour rights of
       their constituents are respected by State and   6. Ahmed A and Seshu M (2012) ‘“We have the right not to be
                                            ‘rescued’...”: When Anti-Trafficking Programmes Undermine the
       non-State actors. At some level, their work is   Health and Well-Being of Sex Workers’, Anti-Trafficking Review, Vol
       very similar to the work of the anti-trafficking   1: 149–165
       NGOs which are members of GAATW. For
       example, sex worker organisations provide   Options for accessing FMR
       information about rights and working   Do you like to read online or in print, or listen to
       conditions, and where to seek help in cases of   podcasts?
       rights violations. In the anti-trafficking field,   •  Read each issue online, either the full issue in pdf
       this is commonly referred to as prevention,   format or individual articles in html or pdf format:
       awareness-raising or empowerment. In cases
       of rights violations including trafficking,   •  Listen to FMR podcasts at
       sex worker organisations offer assistance   uk/series (search for ‘forced migration review’)
       with: filing complaints and dealing with the   •  Request a print copy of the full magazine or its
       police, courts and immigration authorities;   accompanying Editors’ briefing (with QR codes
       meeting basic needs; providing psychosocial   and web links):
       counselling and family mediation; and   Alternatively, sign up for email alerts at
       helping women return to the community or join us on
       and find employment. In anti-trafficking   Twitter or Facebook.
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