Page 49 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
P. 49

FMR 64                  Trafficking and smuggling                          49

       June 2020                                

       resources available to local NGOs have not   they deem to be the absolute minimum.
       increased accordingly. As a result, local   In many instances, their place is taken by
       NGOs lack capacity to adequately assist   organisations that focus on profit and do
       all those who are referred to them.   4  not necessarily place human dignity first.
                                               The conditions in the collective reception
       The Salvini Decree and reception     centres have a negative effect on trafficking
       conditions                           survivors. NGOs observe that individuals
       With the coming into force of the Salvini   frequently leave the reception centres at
       Decree in October 2018, which amended   night to engage in prostitution. Due to
       several articles of Italian migration law,   the lack of supervision, trafficking and
       the situation for victims of trafficking   re-trafficking may take place, and cases
       has deteriorated even further. As well as   of sexual abuse including rape inside
       abolishing humanitarian protection status   the centres have also been reported.
       (which had been used to a considerable extent   Asylum seekers also lose their right
       for asylum seekers who did not meet the   to accommodation if they are absent from
       criteria to receive international protection),   the centre for more than 72 hours – and it
       vulnerable asylum seekers – including   is extremely difficult and time-consuming
       those who have been trafficked – can no   to regain the right to accommodation once
       longer access reception centres which offer   revoked by the prefecture. Those who
       individual reception programmes. These are   are returned to Italy under the Dublin III
       now reserved for people with international   Regulation – which includes vulnerable
       protection status or unaccompanied   asylum seekers – are likely to have lost the
       asylum-seeking children; those who do   right to all material reception conditions
       not fall into these categories are now only   because they were previously accommodated
       entitled to access larger, collective centres.   in Italy before moving on to another European
          Concurrently, the financial contribution   country. This is contrary to case law of the
       of the State towards those accommodated in   Court of Justice of the European Union. 5
       these collective reception centres was reduced
       from around €35 to just €18 per day. This   Dublin transfers
       has led to a fall in the level of qualifications   Even though the Dublin III Regulation
       and experience of centre personnel and   does not explicitly prohibit the transfer
       changed the ratio of asylum seekers to   of vulnerable asylum seekers, States are
       employees from ten-to-one to fifty-to-one.   bound by human rights law as well as the
       Centres with a capacity of less than 150 are   provisions of the Regulation. Under the terms
       not expected to have staff on duty through   of the Council of Europe’s anti-trafficking
       the night. Numbers of professional staff   Convention, those who have been trafficked
       such as cultural mediators, social assistants   should be given a recovery and reflection
       and medical staff have been drastically   period of 30 days, during which time they
       reduced, and psychological support removed   can remain in the territory of the State Party.
       entirely. Qualified personnel are unable   In light of the provisions of the Dublin III
       to spend more than a few minutes with   Regulation, this temporary residence might
       each asylum seeker per week. The lack of   in itself be sufficient grounds for transferring
       personal contact and time does not allow   responsibility for assessing these asylum
       for the building of a relationship of trust,   applications to the State that is providing
       nor does it give personnel the necessary   this recovery and reflection period.
       time to identify residents’ vulnerabilities   After the recovery and reflection period
       and take appropriate measures. These   has passed, if the State decides nonetheless
       changes have led to an unwillingness on   that another State is responsible for assessing
       the part of some charitable organisations   the claim, it has to inform that State, which
       to continue administering these centres, as   must explicitly agree to take responsibility
       they cannot offer the level of service that   for the individual and also explicitly declare
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