Page 61 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
P. 61
FMR 64 Trafficking and smuggling 61
June 2020
and freedom) and lack of resources in local Technology for protection
languages are common barriers to information Emerging technologies help law enforcement
being shared widely and effectively. QR codes to identify and assist victims, whether they are
and radio-frequency identification (RFID) online, out at sea, or elsewhere. For instance,
tags, which can transmit data without the not only does artificial intelligence permit
use of mobile devices or computers, are one law enforcement to locate and remove from
response to this, although they still require circulation some of the hundreds of millions
data readers, which are not available in every of exploitative images of children, but facial
community. And cultural relevance and issues recognition software, metadata embedded
of literacy, numeracy and other potential in images and geolocation technology also
barriers must also be taken into account when enable them to identify and assist victims,
developing and presenting such information. regardless of their remote locations. Mobile
Prevention must be focused at the apps and RFID tags help ensure that
community level, including through economic vulnerable migrants can be found at sea
empowerment. People in poor communities even if they lack documentation, making
are more vulnerable to exploitation, which them even harder to trace, or are hidden
is often compounded by crisis migration. through corrupt practices such as ships
Technology can be used to indirectly sailing under ‘false flags’. In fact, geolocation
mitigate risk, in part by creating new records can be combined with blockchain
economic opportunities. For example, many to document how often workers are allowed
communities that are at risk of trafficking lack off fishing vessels and then to alert law
access to banks or other traditional means of enforcement and NGOs to potential cases of
finance, making them vulnerable to predatory labour exploitation and slave-like conditions.
lenders or even unable to receive non-cash Furthermore, a digital identity can be created
payments. The primary barrier is their lack using blockchain technology and optional
of documentation to confirm their identity, biometric identifiers to provide independent
finances or credit-worthiness. By providing identity documents as an alternative to
an online identity, blockchain makes possible government-issued documentation. Digital
access to bank accounts, the ability to receive identities help to protect against exploitation,
verified wage payments, and even access to including by enabling individuals to prove
credit. This in turn reduces their vulnerability their eligibility for services, and by providing
to trafficking, especially in the context of information about where they live if they
crises such as fires or floods that may force do not know how to find their way home.
them to move if they are unable to rebuild. However, the same technology can also
Technology can also be used to raise give traffickers and unethical employers
awareness of rights abuses. For instance, efficient unbreakable ways of tagging and
Rohingya people in Myanmar have faced tracking individuals in order to monitor
internal displacement and exploitation in the and control them. This is particularly the
international fishing industry for decades. case when biometric data are involved.
Now monitoring groups can use drone and Also essential to protection is having
satellite imagery as well as geodata and the awareness of and ability to enjoy one’s
data visualisations in order to document the legal and human rights. Apps, QR codes and
destruction of villages in real time, with the other tools can inform migrants about their
goal of ending rights abuses through raising labour and migration rights and where to get
awareness. However, the same technology help if needed. Blockchain and e-payment
can equally be used by governments and services can help ensure that migrants
individuals to commit abuses. Technology are paid fair and legal wages, providing
designers, in collaboration with governments, transparency and accountability, preventing
NGOs and the international community, employers from illegally withholding
must decide how to mitigate the potential payment, and making it safer and easier
damage the use of such technology can bring. to send home remittances. And other apps