Page 62 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
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FMR 64
   62                          Trafficking and smuggling                                       June 2020

       and services make it easier to document   The answer to these pitfalls is not to hinder
       and monitor working conditions and   the role of technology, for it will continue to
       employment terms, empowering the worker. 5  advance, with those advances often led by
          However, such technological tools are   exploiters. Instead, the power of technology
       only as good as the information they use   must be harnessed for the greatest good and
       and the extent to which they are accessible.   must mitigate the most avoidable harms. In
       As with tools focused on prevention,   doing so, several key principles should be
       there are real accessibility concerns,   considered.  The first is to scale better, not
       which are compounded by the very real   just bigger. Increased anonymity, privacy
       risk that the exploiter will confiscate   and encryption are essential elements of
       the technology, or even use it to track   technology for freedom, but developers and
       and control those whom they exploit.   policymakers must take into account how they
                                            can be used for harm. The second principle is
       Technology for prosecution           to focus on people. While tracking the identity
       Finally, technology is being used both to   and location of products has few ethical
       identify and locate perpetrators, and to   implications, there are many implications for
       provide evidence for criminal prosecution   human rights, dignity and safety in tracking
       and other forms of enforcement. Just as they   the identity and location of human beings,
       can be used to identify victims of online   especially when this involves biometric data.
       child sexual exploitation, the metadata,   Finally, technology must be informed by
       geolocation data and other unique identifiers   communities. Communities should be asked
       embedded in exploitative images can reveal   what they need and solutions should be
       the identity and location of perpetrators,   designed to meet those needs and to adapt in
       leading to their arrest and prosecution.   the face of rapidly evolving forms of harm.
       Once convicted, technological restrictions   Christa Foster Crawford
       (preventing computer use or blocking
       certain kinds of content) can help prevent   Associate Director, Freedom Resource
       future harm. However, the trend within   International;
       the technology sector is towards greater   Director, Center for Human Rights Law,
       privacy, anonymity and encryption which,   Payap University, Thailand
       although core rights and values that should
       be protected, make it harder to identify   Ashley Kafton
       perpetrators and hold them accountable.   Graduate student, International Development
          Similarly, blockchain technology gives   and Southeast Asian Studies, Ohio University
       banks and financial institutions an immutable
       record of transactions, providing clear   1. The Mekong Club (2018) ‘Using Blockchain to Combat Modern
       evidence against traffickers with large-scale   Slavery’
       operations, who need to make use of the   2.
       international banking system to profit from   3. For example, in Thailand apps are being developed by a
       their crimes. Governments can use that   number of partnerships between technology companies, NGOs
                                            and governments, relating to rights and resources in the fishing
       evidence to hold perpetrators financially   industry (for three examples, see, the
       and criminally liable, and industries,   Apprise pilot study being conducted by the UNU Institute in
       investors and other stakeholders can more   Macau, and work by Winrock International) and to rights and
                                            resources during detention (see the Association for the Prevention
       easily recognise exploitative transactions   of Torture and the Payap Center for Human Rights Law).
       and create a culture of freedom.  However,   4. For example, SaverAsia
       the issues around privacy that arise with   5. For example, the eMin project
       perpetrator identification also apply to   6. For example, Liberty Shared Operational Research and Analysis
       digital evidence. Furthermore, the vast   Programme
       number of lower-level perpetrators who   7. These recommendations and the framework for this article were
                                            first included in Crawford C F (2019) ‘Sex and Shrimp: Blockchain
       do not operate through formal banking   Use Cases for Ending Child Sex Trafficking and Modern Slavery’
       systems may escape this type of detection.   presented at the Blockchain for Social Impact Conference 2019,
                                            New York City, 10 June 2019.
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