Page 8 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
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FMR 64
   8                     Climate crisis and local communities                                       June 2020

       nomadic economy. Since the war, most of the   contingent on the replenishment of either
       population has resided in the Tindouf camps.   naturally occurring surface water or small
       Following the conclusion of the war with   man-made wells. Irregular, unpredictable
       Morocco, Polisario – which itself maintains   rainfall patterns and prolonged drought,
       substantial camel herds – made a concerted   however, make it difficult to depend on
       effort to develop the Liberated Territories   ephemeral water sources, and also increase
       specifically for nomadic pastoralism   pressure on the Tindouf aquifer. This
       by implementing large-scale landmine   problem can be partially mitigated by the
       clearance, installing and maintaining wells,   use of mechanical wells. The development
       and rejuvenating the nomadic economy.   of artificial water resources in the Liberated
                                            Territories, moreover, has also allowed for
       Climatic challenges – and appropriate   the development of community gardens,
       responses                            with Polisario-run gardening projects
       Camp life has presented unique challenges   emerging in a number of locations.
       for the previously nomadic population,   The unpredictable rainfall, generalised
       and many of those challenges have been   drought and depletion of groundwater are
       exacerbated in recent decades by a changing   problems for both nomads and refugees, but
       climate. Attempts by NGOs to encourage   the population of the Western Sahara camps is
       sedentary agriculture – Oxfam, for instance,   unusual in that it retains a tie to both refugee
       has invested in the cultivation of the multi-use  and nomadic worlds. The anthropologist
       plant Moringa oleifera  – have met with mixed   Cindy Horst, writing about Somali refugee-
       success, in part because the camp population   nomads in Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camp,
       is more familiar with animal pastoralism.   defined Somalis’ nomadic heritage “as
       Another increasingly severe problem has   consisting of three elements: a mentality of
       been the increased frequency of flooding in   looking for greener pastures; a strong social
       the camps. Rather than experiencing a steady,   network that entails the obligation to assist
       continuous decline in rainfall, the Algerian   each other in surviving; and risk-reduction
       desert around Tindouf has seen long droughts  through strategically dispersing investments
       interspersed with brief but very intense   in family members and activities.”  In a
       rainfall. Most semi-permanent structures in   sedentary community, this nomadic mentality
       the camps were initially built by the refugees   persists in the form of opportunism,
       from mud-bricks made using locally sourced   flexibility, social solidarity and resisting
       materials. In some cases, the refugees resisted   single points of economic failure – which
       building with more permanent materials   are largely the values that Sahrawi refugees
       for ideological reasons, preferring to remain   ascribe to their own nomadic heritage. Any
       perpetually ready to return to Western   climate resilience strategy implemented
       Sahara and a future independent State.   in the Tindouf camps, then, will have to
       Flooding, previously very rare in the region,   bridge the refugee and nomad categories.
       has become an almost annual occurrence.   It is perhaps unsurprising that the
       In 2015, for instance, many of the mud-brick   most promising strategy comes from the
       houses dissolved in the heavy rains, leaving   population itself. In 2016, a Sahrawi refugee
       hundreds of refugees homeless. Building   named Taleb Brahim, who had previously
       with water-resistant materials, like cement,   trained as an engineer in Syria, began
       partially mitigates the problem, though   experimenting with hydroponic agriculture.
       the production of mud-bricks in the camps   Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants
       provides employment for many refugees.    without soil, typically by immersing the roots
          Another problem exacerbated by climate   in nutrient-enhanced water. Hydroponic
       change is the depletion of groundwater. The   agriculture is vastly more water-efficient
       Tindouf camps were deliberately built near   than most other methods, and is therefore a
       a large aquifer, and nomadic movement   promising strategy for intensive agriculture
       throughout the Liberated Territories is   in arid climates. Brahim’s earliest hydroponic
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