Page 11 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
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FMR 64             Climate crisis and local communities                    11

       June 2020                                

       Learning from the Turkana way of life  grazing, communal sharing and rotational
       It is a common misconception that the   grazing. These restrictions are established
       pastoralist communities of the world are   by consensus and the elders take the lead
       constantly on the move. The Turkana debunk   in implementing the rules. The Turkana
       this narrative. While they do move from   attach a lot of importance to land and
       place to place, when Turkana pastoralists   consider it a blessing from Akuj (God), with
       have access to water and green pasture   the current generation holding it in trust
       they do not keep moving on. The decision   for future generations. Other pastoralist
       to move is therefore not a voluntary one.   communities that permit an open policy
       Additionally, the decision is usually made on   where individuals permit their animals
       an individual basis, especially for movement   to graze as they wish are often adversely
       within their own country. The decision to   affected. As different animals have different
       cross international borders, however, is often   grazing patterns, an uncontrolled system
       made as a group because, as they often move   will create a tragedy of the commons that
       into volatile security situations, there is   will have devastating effects for all. The
       greater security in numbers when they move   Turkana people have learned such survival
       together. The community’s council of elders   tactics – which are worth emulating.
       plays a critical role in assessment and decision   Turkana is a region that is grappling
       making. The elders may send out emissaries   with the harsh realities of climate change,
       to neighbouring communities or countries   and there is an urgent need to enable local
       to inspect the pastures and report back.   pastoralist voices to be heard in climate
          In the Turkana context, numerous factors   discussions, something that has hitherto
       influence the community’s decision about   been lacking. Recognition of pastoralists’
       whether to move or not. Before any decision   opinions on climate change and of their
       is taken to move on, the depletion of local   knowledge pertaining to climate adaptation
       pastures is first countered by controlled   has generally not been accorded international

        Project Survival Media/Joe Lukhovi
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