Page 12 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
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FMR 64
   12                    Climate crisis and local communities                                       June 2020

       attention, especially when such tribal   to take into consideration such beliefs,
       minorities and indigenous communities as   debunking them if need be in order for science
       the Turkana are detached from the societal   and tradition to read from the same script.
       fabric of the rest of the country. Indeed,
       community strategies are not reflected in   The involuntary nature of migration
       climate modelling – a significant failing   The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of
       in our approach to climate adaptation.   Refugees does not address the emerging issue
          Bilateral negotiations by the countries   of people displaced because of the impact
       involved to allow reciprocal grazing by   of climate change. Some scholars argue
       pastoralists as well as concerted efforts to   that the correct terminology to be adopted
       encourage joint grazing appear to be the best   ought to be ‘climate migrants’ – as the term
       solution in order to call a halt to the incessant   ‘climate refugee’ has no legal standing –
       conflicts over pasture. In 2019, Uganda and   but this ignores the involuntariness which
       Kenya signed an agreement to allow grazing   characterises most, if not all, climate-induced
       rights for the Turkana pastoralists in Uganda   migration, especially in a pastoralism
       and for the shared use of Kobebe dam (owned  context. There is a need to place climate
       by Uganda). This has been effective, and   change at the heart of the refugee discourse
       such initiatives – if adopted by communities   by recognising it as a ground for flight.   xxxx
       facing similar challenges elsewhere – may   Additionally, UNHCR and the International
       have the potential of allowing climate-hit   Organization for Migration should
       communities to escape the climate wrath   endeavour to monitor climatic conditions
       in their indigenous lands by seeking   and weather patterns in pastoralist-occupied
       refuge in foreign lands, undisturbed.  areas in order to be sufficiently prepared
          Despite historically being purely   to assist pastoralists forced to move.
       nomadic, the Turkana have been forced by   Meanwhile, there is a need to provide
       climate change to increasingly embrace   opportunities to people such as the Turkana
       agro-pastoralism. This is evident especially   to migrate with dignity, especially in cases
       along the region’s Turkwel and Kerio rivers   of distress migration. For this community
       which, due to aridity, now only flow during   of people, who have increasingly embraced
       the rainy seasons. Here the government   agriculture, there are a number of climate
       and NGOs have helped the Turkana to   adaptation initiatives that may strengthen
       adopt agro-pastoralism. Additionally,   resilience, including training and assistance
       a number of the Turkana community    with growing more drought-resistant crops.
       engage in fishing in Lake Turkana. Such   It is imperative to increase pastoralists’ access
       grassroots adaptation efforts need to be   to alternative sources of livelihoods outside
       adopted and supported as mitigation   traditional nomadism. However, it should
       measures to enable pastoralist communities   also be noted that the most appropriate
       to diversify their livelihoods, recover and   interventions largely depend on the specific
       rebuild. However, this is only possible for   context of a local community. Governments
       those who live around the lakes and rivers   and the international community must do
       and have access to land on the banks.   more to support pastoralists’ own adaptation
          Culture and faith play a big role in the life   efforts and to promote legal migration
       of the Turkana. Making sacrifices to ancestors   pathways. If the voices of the people at
       is a common practice, traditionally geared   the grassroots are anything to go by, this
       towards preventing and reducing the negative  is what those most affected most want.
       impacts of climate change. While science   Ekai Nabenyo
       indicates that climate change is a result of @Article43Kenya
       disastrous human activities, the Turkana   Founder, Article 43, a climate advocacy group in
       believe that the aridity that pushes them into   Kenya
       moving is a result of the Akuj being unhappy.
       Two worlds apart! The climate debate needs
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