Page 109 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 109


                pi( tures from various sources and present them for par-

       ticipiiiits to view as transparencies or slides or in an album. The
       pictures should show some action and not be too abstract.
    2. 1-4:xamine each picture and describe it to a recorder, who writes
       the description on a flip chart, white board, or other surface.
    3. Use each line of the description to trigger new ideas, which are
      recorded separately.
    4. Continue until all the pictures have been examined.


    Arthur B. VanGundy has developed a product improvement
    checklist (PICL) that functions in the same way as the 36th
    technique discussed in this chapter—Osborn's verbal check-
    list. VanGundy has included some terms that seem absurd
    at first but that can provide new thought patterns. A total of
    526 words are included in his list. Here are some examples:

    Try To:           Make It:

    sketch it         soft
    sew it            hard
    hang it           vertical
    deflate it        unbreakable
    gasify it         triangular

    Think Of:         Take Away or Add:

    televisions       funnels
    ants              grooves
    the four seasons  alcohol
    bacteria          Velcro
    Sir Lancelot      power

    VanGundy's PICL is a recently developed process, but it is
    being used quite frequently. VanGundy has also developed
    a device that he calls the Circles of Creativity. It consists of
    several hundred words arranged on three concentric circles
    in categories such as "Try to...," "Make it...," "Think

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