Page 107 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 107
it IiITI'llt1l,„1 greeting card company ill Colorado iirings,
picked the word "shrink. Alter a brainstorming session,
they began Wee Greetings, a line of business and greeting
cards that can be slipped into lunch boxes or shirt pockets. 39
two telemarketing managers at Southern Bell leafed through
fashion magazines for pictures that would trigger ideas for
marketing campaigns.°
An interesting type of restrictive analogy is the "personal
analogy." In this approach you attempt to see yourself per-
sonally involved in the situation, perhaps through role play-
ing. In a 1980 personal analogy/brainstorming session at
Gillette, the managers saw themselves as human hairs. They
imagined how a strand of hair would observe life. "I dread
being washed every day." "I hate the blow-dryer." "I feel
limp, lifeless." Some participants wanted a gentle shampoo
to protect their damaged ends while others wanted a more
aggressive one to really get the dirt out. Sandra Lawrence,
Gillette's vice-president for new
products, observed that "everyone
had different sentiments, which
made us think about how hair