Page 134 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 134
The Group: The brainstorming process involves a group of 101
six to twelve people, a leader/facilitator and a secretary, all CREATIVE
involved in open generation of ideas about a given topic. PROBLEM
The group needs to have at least six people in order to gen- SOLVING
erate enough ideas, but fewer than thirteen because it may TECHNIQUES
be difficult to absorb a large number of ideas and because
larger groups tend to intimidate some people, thereby po- 119
tentially restricting the flow of ideas. Groups may be formed
from similar or different work areas or backgrounds, depend-
ing on the purpose of the group.
The Rules:
1. No judgments are made about any suggestion.
2. All ideas, even absurd or impractical ones, are welcome.
3. Quantity of ideas is a major objective, since it leads to qual-
4. Ideas may be combined, refined, and piggy-backed.