Page 156 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 156
cesses. For example, brainstorming and the nominal group 101
technique can be improved by hardware features such as CREATIVE
video projection screens and individual and partner com- PROBLEM
puter terminals, which display and score individual inputs SOLVING
for all participants to view. 31 TECHNIQUES
Wilson Learning Systems of Minneapolis, Minnesota, offers 141
a sophisticated software package for voting on brainstormed
issues. Participants can quickly learn the status of any issue
from bar charts and other graphic displays. 32 The Univer-
sity of Arizona's Center for the Management of Information
offers advanced hardware for facilitating group creative de-
cision processes. The university has two "electronic brain-
storming" rooms, each of which has large computer-gener-
ated wall screens and individual/partner computer termi-
nals. Participants in brainstorming sessions can enter ideas
to be shared with others without making known their source.
Sophisticated software is used to record idea generation,
voting, and so on, on large video projection screens for all
participants to view. 33