Page 31 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 31

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                                                                              Creativity Into


THE                                                                                  101
CREATIVE                                                                        PROBLEM
PROBLEM SOLVING                                                               TECHNIQUES

PROCESS                                                                           17

Creativity is the only American competitive
advantage left.

                                                             — John G. Young
                                            Former CEO, Hewlett-Packard

Problem solving is an integral part of organizational life.
Everytime a manager or leader directs people in producing
a product or service, problems are being solved, decisions
made. Every time any member of an organization thinks of
a new way to reduce costs, invents a new product or service,
or determines how to help the organization function better
in some way, problem solving is taking place. But, whether
the problem solving occurring in these situations is truly cre-
ative is another question, one that deserves a closer look.

For individuals, the development of creative problem-solving
skills is a necessity, not a luxury. Because organizations too must
solve problems, the development of these skills in their mem-
bers is also a necessity. The most innovative individuals and
organizations are the ones most likely to survive and prosper.
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