Page 181 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 181

1 74 Your Idea, I nc.

    With some companies, however, you don't have any other choice
but to send your product to the generic buyer (Men's Buyer, Wom­
en's Buyer, Accessories Buyer) and keep your fingers crossed. I have
received both rejection letters and purchase orders when I've sent
packages to generic buyers, so it pays to send one even if you can­
not get a name.

    Some large corporations will not give you the buyer's name but
will transfer you to the buying department, where you can speak
to a receptionist. Have your fifteen- to thirty-second pitch summa­
rizing your product ready to go. Also, ask to whose attention your
package with samples should be sent.

    The conversation should go something like this: "Hi, my name
is Joe with Joe's New Kitchen Products. We designed an incredible new
kitchen utensil that is unique and perJectJor parents with young children.
It fits right into your kitchen department and I would like to send our
press kit and sample to the appropriate buyer. Could you please give me
the contact name?" Ask for the correct spelling of the name and if it

is Ms. or Mr. You obviously do not want to send a package to Mr.
Joe Wood if Jo is actually Joanna Wood. Also, confirm the mailing
address and review spelling from their website.

                                         Fo llow Up

    Try not to speak with the buyer until you are sure he received
the package. (If you send the package by UPS or FedEx, you can
track it online for confirmation.) Once you see that it has been
delivered, follow up with a phone call a few days later. If he tells
you he hasn't received it, it could be because their offices are large
and the package is being processed by a mailroom or because he
just hasn't opened it.

    If you get the "not received yet" response, mention that you see
it was delivered and Signed for by J. Doe, but that you would be
happy to call back in another day or so. Give a quick pitch too, like,
"You are going to love this new, unique design that we have for this
utensil. I look forward to talking with you after you have seen the
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