Page 176 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 176

Step 9. Find and Sell to Buyers  1 69

   • Date issued
   • Date to either be delivered by or cancelled if not delivered by
   • Price and quantity of items ordered
   • Pricing terms
   • Their item number
   • Total PO amount
   • UPC number
   • Your product(s) name and item number
   • Your vendor number

       Some purchase orders from smaller stores may include noth­
   ing more than the store name, address, contact information,
   quantities, item name, price, and terms.

• Sales reps are representatives that sell many product brands
   directly to retailers. Reps usually work within a specialty mar­
   ket. For example, they would represent many beauty products
   (makeup, candles, soaps, perfumes) or sell lines of home accents
   (pillows , bedding, lamps, tables). They have contacts within that
   specific market who trust the reps to bring in quality products
   that are new and innovative. Some retailers like buying from rep
   groups because they can find many products from one source
   and place one order for all of the lines.
       You could decide to have a rep try to sell your products to
   some of your markets. A rep usually works on a 1 5 percent com­
   mission of the gross amount of the purchase order. If your rep
   writes a $500 order for your products , she will earn $75 on the
   sale. They have accounts that they regularly call upon within a
   specific territory and they try to add your line to those retailers.

• The term "ship via" means the method by which you will ship

  the goods. The bigger companies will tell you which carrier to use.

   They usually have an account with a freight or trucking company.
   If this is the case, you will ship via their requested carrier and
   not bill them for the cost because they are billed directly from
   the carrier. The PO will say "Ship Via" and they will fill in UPS
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