Page 44 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 44


    bootstrapping: make the
 most of your own resources

                         By not risking anything, you risk more.
                                                                         -ER I C A J ONG

You're going to think I'm crazy, but it's true: Don't let the fact that
you may have little or no money stop you from getting your product
into the marketplace. If every entrepreneur let money be an obsta­
cle, we wouldn't have many of our favorite products. At this point
in your journey, you need to start spending some money. (At first,
it's to protect the intellectual property rights ofyour product-more
about this in Step 4.) Do not get overwhelmed if you lack money.
You just need to be aware of your financial situation and do the
best you can with what you've got. Today's economy really doesn't
change the financial issue for many entrepreneurs, as the cold hard
truth is that obtaining a bank loan even in a great economy is dif­
ficult for many beginning entrepreneurs without deep pockets. You
can "blame" it on the economy and move forward in good company
with those of us who started with nothing and somehow found our
way, little by little.

    I am not a financial expert and am not adviSing you as such in
this chapter, but I will review the most basic and simple financial
options available to you. I'll assume that you don't have deep

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