Page 194 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 194

The Story of the Second B in the BBDO Agency 163

   Barton was regarded as a religious quack by most.
In his 1925 book, The Man Nobody Knows, he portrayed
Jesus as the greatest advertiser who ever walked the face
of this planet: persuading, recruiting followers, nailing
all the right words that evoked emotional response and
stirred desires.

   Jesus epitomized modern salesmanship!
   Barton had a really hard time getting it published
because of the radical and controversial ideas it
   (Actually, Barton had even more controversial stuff on
how the free enterprise system would create a heaven
on earth.)
   As a copywriter, one can see why Barton would see
Jesus in this light.
   Barton saw Jesus’ parables as advertisements. In
Jesus’ metaphorical descriptions were embedded the
principles he advocated to his disciples.
   Barton felt that part of the reason Jesus was so suc-
cessful in his undertakings was because of his genuine
love for the people. Barton felt that great advertising
had to be congruent. People were not as stupid as adver-
tisers believed they were, and one of the reasons Barton
stood out from his competitors was because he was
always sincere—unlike his competitors, who were only
interested in making the sales and fleecing people of
their hard-earned money:

   “It’s time we quit trying to shear those sheep and start
   loving them!”

   He wrote in his diary:

   “I can, of course, continue to make people think that two gal-
   lons of gasoline just alike are not alike. But somehow it seems
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